Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Good Evening, June 26

Good Evening. 
 It's been a nice day outside and I spent some of it outdoors. I sat on the deck while my cloth went through the washer and dryer. Talking to Momma D and Mike a bit while they continue to work on a way to get the water from the washers away from the building. The septic line can handle one machine load at a time but not all four. The tempory idea is for the gray water be diverted into a ditch behind the washhouse.  Not sure if that's going to increase the skeeter problems or not. We will see.
The dogs sure love this cooler weather we had today. Our first daylike walk was 20 minutes. Not that we walked that far, but we enjoyed being out in the yard that much.  Our afternoon walk was just as nice and was 30 minutes long.
These Hummingbirds are very hungry. They went through a cup of sugar water in just one day, yesterday so today I put out two cups worth. I haven't been outside yet this evening to see how much is still out there.  I saw at least three Ruby-throated near the feeder when I had the dogs out this afternoon.
I had an ice chest inside since this weekend and I needed it out of my way, so now it's outside, drained and dried. Ready to go back into the van for our next shopping trip. We still have ice in the freezer from our last trip to the store.
I did water my garden this morning, but it didn't take as much water as it did yesterday. I'm sure I'll be using a lot of water in the morning tomorrow since the tempature is going to be back up in the low 90's again. We are expecting to be 100 or more this weekend.  Sure makes me wish we had some shade trees to  park this camper under right now.
Tomorrow I plan on ironing the material and cutting out the caps and neck coolers I plan on making. While I was waiting for my laundry I was also reading a book Mike let me borrow. I'm thinking of buying a copy for myself.
We are having Hamburgers for dinner tonight. I've already cut up the tomatoe, and pulled some lettuce leafs off the head of letttuce I picked up this week.  I think I can get one more day off of this head before it turns brown on me. I know better than to cut it with a metal knife as that will turn a head of lettuce faster than doing just about anything else.  I've peeled and cut up a cucumber. cut a green pepper into strips, cut celery into two bite size pieces and the same with a couple of carrots. I'll take out some potato chips to go with our burgers, as well. The burger is thawed and as soon as I send this, I have to take everything outside.
I got a lot done this afternoon ( for me anyway) After dishes, I cleaned up in the bathroom, made the beds, sprinkled the carpets with Glade carpet stuff and then vacumed it up again.  I even did a bit more work in the living room, taking up where I left off yesterday. 
So, Tomorrow's plan is to cut out and maybe even sew the caps, make neck coolers, dishes, make the beds, vac the floors (need to get back in the habit of doing these things daily)  and keep cool.

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