Monday, May 21, 2012

my mid morning

I am a bit miffed right now. I found holes in my long blue nightgown. Right under the sleeve and in the sleeve. I don't know how they got there. I found holes in my New Grandma 2011 shirt this week, as well but not like these holes. I"ll have to ask Jerry if he knows how that happened. He was over my bed, putting in the air and may have snagged the dress (it's very old and comfortable)
Ah, but the beds are made. I still have to vac the floors at this time, but maybe by the time I am ready to send this in, they will be done. Next to work on, is dishes. Not that we have a lot over the weekend, but enough to want to get them out of my way.
Did I tell you, I found 13 CD's over the weekend?
Point of Grace, Free to Fly
Allen Asbury
Clay Crosses, Stained Glass
WOW, New & Next
WOW Worship
Natalie Grant, Awaken
Jaci Velasquez Christmas
Mercy Me, Undone
Acquire the Fire, Live the difference
R.I.O.T Righteous Invasion of Truth
Acquire The Fire, Stand Up and Surrender
If My People Pray. The National Day of Prayer Album
Casting Crowns, The Altar and the Door. Special bonus DVD.
I have R.I.O.T. in my laptop right now.
Oh yeah. Looks like we are going to go visit Heather this next weekend. I'll have to pack all the stuff I've picked up for them, this week. I want to take some of my crafting things with me, as well.
After I got dressed, I've gotten the trash out before Mike comes around for it. While I was outside and the trash can empty, I watered my flowers and herbs and added some water to the birdbath I've put together outside. (need to take a picture) Now it's time for my breakfast and insulin. Hard to believe that it's already 7am.
Time to walk the dogs, as I've had my breakfast and taken care of me. back in a few...
back. Now to start the dishes and sweep the back half of the camper. (oh Joy)
(10 am)
Aah. The dishes are done and put away. I am trying my hand at making Yogurt. I've boiled my milk and now it's cooling back down, before I add a bit of yogurt to it. Since I have two 1/2 gallons jugs of milk in the fridge I'm not out very much if this quart of milk doesn't do like it's suppose to.
I took Macon outside for a bit. He got to play with Bro, and they had fun. Bro has a bit of trouble getting around (He's over 8 years old and is a large dog) but he still had fun playing. Barney was not happy to have been left inside. I knew he couldn't see us, but he sure made a lot of noise about it. I got to see a couple of hummingbirds come to my feeder while we were outside.
Raven will feed the cats for me, next weekend. I've put their dishes outside so they get use to that.
We have a chance of rain today, but the rest of the week looks dry and we will be in the lower 90's by the weekend.
I just set a letter out in the mailbox to my Grand-daughter, Bailey. I am sending her a blank card as well as a few things I've cut out and a couple of printed items so she can make her own card. I hope to do this more often for and with her. (starting her crafting life early)
I took Barney with me, and we got to talk to Milk a couple of minutes.

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