Thursday, March 22, 2012

Good Morning !!

Good Morning !!

What a wonderful day to wake up to. Every day is a wonderful day to wake up, don't you think?

Anyway. I got Jerry set off to work with a good breakfast and took the dogs out. Read a few emails but got sleep quickly so went back to bed. I asked Jerry to set the alarm to go off at 7:30 and he did. so I was up by the time it went off.  Got my breakfast of oatmeal with dried fruit in me, took my meds, took the dogs out, then weed eated around the camper.

Momma D mowed yesterday, and I asked her to leave around my camper cause I can do it with the weed eater. It took more than I expected but I got it done by 8:45. I've gotten my shower and folded up one tub of clothes with two more still to go. I got done just in time since it's trying to rain now. I love the smell of fresh mowed grass. I had to wipe all the grass crud off the weedeater before I could put it inside. When Jerry gets home, I can put it in the van until I need it again. My clothes I had on now need washed, they are covered in "green". I'm surprised the cats are not back there, stripping all the grass clippings out of them.

Mike was taken to the hospital in an ambluance yesterday. I didn't see it, but Laruen told me about it. She was surprised I didn't  see the ambluance. I think I was napping at the time. I really don't look out and see what all is going on outside. Too many years living in a "city" I guess. Jerry said he saw him when he came home so he didn't stay over. Jerry said he was walking very slow. Mike has a limp to begin  with, Falling out the door a couple of weeks ago I'm sure didn't help. Someone tossed a hide a bed out that he and Robert had to pick up and put in the back of his truck, the un-load it at the trash station. I'm sure all of that plus what ever it was he went to pick up didn't do his back any good at all. I did offer to help Momma D with the trash, when she was picking it up yesterday, She said she didn't need any help with it.

Outside my door ... As I said, it looks like rain. We need the rain.  Did I mention that I put out some flowers?  I have them in cut off kitty litter jugs and they need some water. I would much rather nature provide that. Momma D liked how I have them outside the front of the camper (it gets the sun all day long) And wanted to know what the containers were. I told her, I Think Mike may have picked a few of them up from where they blew out from under the camper cause I can't find them now. That's ok cause I buy at least one a week. Reminds me. I bought some flower seeds and need to sprinkle a few seeds in the jugs, as well. I know I'm going to look for some moss rose while we are out this next weekend. I love the stuff
The Dogs ...  Well Macon, while we were at the edge of the hill that leads down the lake, "found" one of the stray cats around here and wanted to give chase.  Oops. I have the other end of the lead, it took a while to convience him that we were not there to cat chase but to potty. Finally he got that done and we came back to the camper.  He's the only one not in a kennel right now. Rocky refused to come out when I put Barney in one because I wanted to weedeat. They got in a fight, so now they both can just stay in there for a while and get over it.
The Cats ... Were running window to window, watching me weedeat. They still sit at the door meowing to be let out. Isn't going to happen on purpose.  If they are not at the door, they are at Jerry's window, trying to push it open. Then end up turning on the radio by standing on it.
From the kitchen...  Jerry said we could eat out at Bubba's tonight if he works all day. He might get rained out but don't count on it.
I am hearing... Rain on the roof, Rachael Ray on the T.V., the cat at the door.
I am wearing...  Jean shorts and a faded top. I want comfort and not fashion today.

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