Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 6

What a difference a couple of days can make.  yesterday was so comfortable. I ended up changing from short into sweatpants.  Jerry got cool once the sun went down and had to put on a long sleeved shirt. The dogs wanted more walks yesterday because it was so nice out. And the sunset... Wow.  The Blue was so intense just after the sun was below the horizon.  And the other colors were just as sharp and clean.  Jerry took a picture but not of the blue but the oranges that came after the blue, the underside of the clouds. I'll have to see if I can get a copy off of him.
I talked to Momma D about us getting a small fire pit and buring some of the brush she's got piled over by some campers in storage. She said yeah, go ahead. I just wanted to be sure it was going to be ok cause some places get a bit upset if you just up and do something like that. We will get the fire pit next Friday,  I think. Jerry will pick it up when he cashes his paycheck.  We have the canopy frame up and we have it short enough I can put the cover on it. As I told Jerry, we can always go buy a large painters tarp if we loose this cover. He's not sure but I know I could get it to work, It may not look like the nice new ones but it would work.
The cats are really pushing it this weekend. They want "OUT" and we won't let them out.  Smokey is really pushing to go out and so today, if I'm going to have the door open, I may have to keep the cats in the kennel cause I'm not going to fight them around the door.
Tom, behind us, Brought me some cheesecake mix and I think I'm suppose to bake it. I'll make up a small amout of Graham cracker crust and bake a bit and if it does like I think, I'll just make two or three smaller cakes than one large one. Jerry won't eat it any way, and I can have only a little bit. I plan on returning his container with some cookies in it cause Jerry is getting hungry for home made cookies.
Today the weather is suppose to be cool and maybe damp. Not sure if we are suppose to just be humid or have rain. I do plan on taking the dogs out more, now that it's cooler. All week is going to be below normal for this time of year. I'll take it. It sure feels more like mid October than the first full week of September.  Once the sun comes up, I need to pick up out on our "yard". I gave the dogs a couple of cola bottles to play with. Rocky loves to take the tops off of them. The pepsi bottle was a challange to him. We don't usually get Pepsi but Jerry picked up one by accident and I'm guessing he twisted the lid back on extra tight before he tossing it into the back of the van. Rocky really had to work to get that lid off.  Macon wanted to play with Rocky and had to wait for him to get that lid off.  Macon much prefers to play keep away from the people that fetch. He also likes to just rough house with Rocky. You wouldn't know he's over 2 years old from the way he plays.
The cats loved that we wanted to sit outside. We couild hear them running from one end of the camper to the other and back again. Funny... if we open the door they all lay down like they were there the whole time and not doing all that running and jumping. it gets very quiet when we open the door. Of course, if the door is open, they all want to sit and look out, or Smokey will try to climb the door, trying to find a way to get out. Oh, I need to get out my tape and use it on the door. I cut my hand on it, this morning. My dress got caught on a wire of the screen and I ended up with a small cut when I tried to get it loose. Over night the Attenia fell down and turned and I was out, trying to get it back up and turned back around. I just wanted to catch up with the news and weather.
 I took a cube steak out of the freezer for our dinner, tonight. I'll bake some potatoes for dinner as well and do a couple of extra's to cook for Jerry's breakfast in the morning. it's easier to fix his breakfast if the potatoes have already been cooked and just need cut up and tossing in the skillet to warm up and get browned. I will fix that cheesecake mix, but I'll also have to make something for Jerry to eat for dessert. Not sure what that is going to be, just yet. He did say he likes Sugar cookies and I can do that. I fixed Mac and Cheese, Salad and hot dogs last night.  I only ate one of the hot dogs, they are too salty but that's how Jerry likes them. At least they are all beef dogs. Those don't ususally give me heartburn. Jerry could live off of hot dogs and hambuger if I'd let him. Not going to happen.  I'll tell you, I'm very dissapointed in the produce department at Food Lion here.  The price is a bit more which would be ok, if the quality was up there as well. The cucumbers are all brused and go bad to fast. 89 cents is a bit much for one green pepper but at least they don't go bad once cut. I'm paying at least 10 cents more per pound for bananas. I hate that but I really do need  to eat banana's each day. I can sure tell quicky when I havn't have one in a day or two. 
I can't wait until I can open the windows this morning so I can hear the morning bird calls.  We do have some hunters that are trying for ducks  over the water, but I don't think they are having much luck.  I did see some ducks ready to come land on the water while I was walking the dogs, It was just after the sun had gone down and If I recall that's too late for someone to be shooting at them.  I have the news on, right now. A lot of talk about how  Tropical Storm Lee is still causing havic on the south. I just wish Heather would call and let me know that all is well with her and her family.  There's a story about how a bear distroyed a Preas car. It got in, got stuck, ended up knocked it out of park and into netrul and rollding down a hill. it finally was able to get out of the car but it sure did tear it up trying to get out. Sure glade that's not my car.
Today will be a pants day, for sure. I need to do laundry today anyway. I think I have one pair of clean shorts left in my drawer. Jerry will need some things as well so laundry is on my agenda today. I'll do that in a bit, after walking the dogs, once the sun comes up.  I do know that drying jeans is going to be problematic around here. It's either use 2 hours and $2.00 in quarters, or use $1.00 and then hang them in the camper to finish drying. That's what I did last week. They got dry, but they were in my way for a while, as well.
I don't know if I wrote about my yard sale finds or not before.  I found two candle stands for $1 each. nabbed them up fast. The next place had a couple but he wanted $5 each and that was just too much considering they were not in any better shape than the ones I just picked up and if I can find a couple more, all the better. I found a few very nice sets of baby girl clothes and I grabbed them up, for Beth. I doubt that any have been worn even they are so nice. No stains at all on them. If Jerry does not work next Satureday, I'll send them to her, in the mail. I got a couple of cigar boxes I plan on covering with "something". I can always use them for earrings or crafts supplies.  I was totally surprised to find "The Land Of Painted Caves" by jean Auel. I didn't know she had this one out. I grabbed it up as well for $5.  Once I finish Eragon, I'll start it. If I start it now, I'll never finish Eragon. I'll do most of my reading while I wait for the laundry to get done.

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