Friday, January 14, 2011


Yow.  I'm one lucky person.
I tried popping corn in a brown paper bag in the micro. I've done it before but not in this one.
I saw a bit of red hot but thought it was just some food burning off under the pie plate that I have to replace the broken turntable that was in there.
I'm not sure what it was... but the glass had metled. the glass on the other side wasn't hot at all and I didn't think it was melted glass but some plastic.  I put the plate in my (cold) kitchen sink.. and it broke around that melted spot. My faucete dripped and the plate broke more.. a few minutes later the whole thing shattered. I'm not even going to touch it for a while I want to be good and sure it's Cold, before i try picking up any of the pieces..
I'm lucky in that I didn't get hit by any flying glass.
Billie C.
most steps 72045 l, yesterday 4495

True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable.

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