Friday, January 14, 2011

For Today... Jan 14, 2011

For Today... Jan 14, 2011
Good Morning.
It's still cold here, but not as cold. We may reach 40 today and we may even be in the 50's by the end of the weekend. That will melt the last of this snow off, I'm sure.
Jerry got the water fixed last night. Took him about 10 minutes, only because his fingers were cold. I had to hold the worm clamp in place from the inside while he was outside using the screwdriver to tighten it.  I felt so bad for him to be out there, but he's the one who took the screwdriver with him in the van. I try to keep things like that in the camper so I can do minor repairs. And I think he still has my flathead screwdriver in the van as I don't recall him bringin any tools into the house when he was done with it.
Today is going to be Clean the Camper from end to end.  I've started in the back already, cleaning off the counter of it's normal clutter and wiping it down with cleaner. Yes, I'm taking my time. I have a cola bottle back there, filling up as I type, with the slow dribble we have going to keep the waterlines open.I have two more to fill while I'm at it. I "Hoard" bottles of water. I threw away about 20 cola bottles that I had filled with water when I thought we were going to have to leave that rv park and live out of Walmart parking lots for a bit. Luckly we didn't have to do that. I was finding all sorts of places to keep extra bottles at.around the  water heater, behind the john. under the sink. But after about 3 months the cola bottles seem to turn cloudy and I'm guessing the plastic was starting to break down. Not a good thing.
Jerry took the dog food bag of trash out this morning, but left the other, smaller bag.. in it though is yesterday's cat box scoopings. I think the dogs and I will be taking two long(er) walks today and one will include tossing out this bag. 
The dogs were more that willing to be "quick" this morning, out behind the camper. I'll be yard scooping this weekend. I can use the cat box scoop to take care of that job.  The kittens spent the night in a kennel.. they just would not settle down for the night.  Good thing, as I found out Jerry had pulled out the quarters from his jar and left them on top of his computer. Just think how far 4 kittens could spread out about $5 of quarters.
Outside my door ... It's cloudy right now, but the sun is suppose to come out before Noon and warm things up a bit. There is still a bit of snow on the grass, but the roads are clear and dry now. It was clod enough that the ice and snow was crunchy underfoot when I took the dogs out 
The dogs ... are sleeping on my bed, again. It's about the warmest room in here as we have a heater at each end. The floor is cold but midway up is not as cold so they are staying out of my way by sleeping on the beds.
The Kittens ... have finally decided that now's a good time to sleep. They have had their morning romp through the camper, climbed up into the shelves. Been in the bathtub. in the bathroom sink, behind the John, and eaten what food I had out for them. Gads how can 4 small bodies get into so much trouble.
From the kitchen... navy beans and ham for dinner.. something that is easy to fix. can handle long cooking in the crockpot and yet be filling.
I am hearing... Morning news, water dribbling, fan on the heater.
I am wearing... Maroon Sweat pants. purple sweat top.

I am reading... The kittens had knocked
The Virginia Exiles" out of the top shelf of the closet and I really need to finish it.  I've read one chapter in it. Not much more to go, and I'll have it finished.
I am thankful for... I have to find my glasses so I can get the van and do some running around tomorrow.. Laundry, shopping, Maybe get the other two tires on the van changed off.
I am hoping... that Jerry goes back to 10 hour days soon. I like to eat dinner with him, but eating at 8 pm is way to late for me to be eating, really.
Billie C.
most steps 72045 l, yesterday 4495

True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable.

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