Wednesday, September 6, 2023

09 06 23 morning musings

It is now early morning, just before sunrise.
 The sky is much lighter than the tops of our surrounding mountains. A few  dark clouds float by, just catching the first colorful pinks, violets,  faint orange and yellows of the raising sun. Leading in the pre-dawn,  a shower, a rain that we need to wash the dust out of the air. 
The birds are waking up from their nightly slumber. And soon the sounds of their calls will fill the pre-dawn silence. Morning doves distinctive calls are louder than the rest. But the chirps, whistles,  tweets and caws make it impossible to turn over and fall back to sleep.
The sound of the rain on the tin covered roof is adding it's sound to the day. It's low rumble distinctive and yet comforting on this morning. 
Yes, the humidity will be up, yes, it will be hot, and yes, it will be uncomfortable and feel like we are swimming through the air as we go about our day.

I now se a bit more pink in the edges of the clouds that are  breaking up, as the rain ends and people start their day.

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