Friday, March 8, 2019


Hello. I am writing from a sopping wet Tennessee.
We have had too much rain over the last couple of weeks and this weekend is also looking to be very wet. I just hope we don't have to move the camper again since the Fiber Optic line has been installed and we can not take it off line.

We had one camper leave  and one come in, on the same day. The new camper is on the lot that the one that left had been on.  We have been lucky in that no one has had any damage due to some flooding we had two weeks ago.   We have had a couple of days with sun shine.  And we have had a few colder than usual nights as well. But, the weather is improving and we may even get to 70 on Sunday. I'm looking forward to that so we can open the doors, windows and vents and air out the camper. Of course, it's only for one day and then it's to cool off again. But I'll take that one day and be happy we can open up for a bit.  The grass is very fresh and green and there is a lot of "green" along the creek banks, as well as along the road up to our daughters' home and the daffodils are all in bloom and the tulip poplars have blossomed and those are already falling off the trees. The cottonwoods are all filled in and it will soon be "Snowing" petals everywhere. I am still not walking as I should because of the rain and the cold but that will soon change and I will take advantage of better weather.

The Expedition is broken down (again) but we have made arrangements to have it looked at, and fixed if it's possible.  I'll be glad of when that is done so I don't have to rely on Daughter to come get me each morning.
Hubby has taken my advice and will go to the Senior Center at least once a week to get out of the camper for a little while and be with people that are not family.  H He can ride the local transportation bus there and back home.  He can also use that to go to Wal-mart or the local Save A Lot for any groceries we will be needing.  Everything else is within his walking abilities an if the weather will co-operate it would be great for him to get out and walk to cover those o couple of bills. 

Billie C.
 Life is a journey not a destination

1 comment:

  1. The spring weather sounds wonderful! Where I live, it's still covered in snow. :)

    Enjoy it!
