Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Howdy.... April 22

Howdy.... And Good Afternoon.  We just had a small shower go through and it looks like we are going to have more rain. We need this rain and it's going to do a lot of good around here.  We were up around 80 before the rain started. Now it's much closer to 70.  I didn't even have to close the windows or the door because of this rain.  We have a couple of Dog wood trees in our section of the campground and it's nice to see them in bloom. One is a pink Dogwood and is very bright on a day like this.  I really need to have Jerry check out our lawnmower before I try to crank it for the first time.  I do need to mow the grassy are where our dogs potty at. I've been diligent about cleaning up after the dogs but I would still like to mow it myself.  I have not let the dogs go behind the camper at all and that area really needs mowed. There is a power cord on the ground that will have to be picked up before any one can do that.  Jerry put the cover on the canopy frame over the weekend and I'm in no hurry to take it back off. As long as we don't get a strong wind it should stay on okay with these storms we are suppose to get today.
Barney, Macon and Rocky have been outside three times so far today.  Barney wanted to play but the other two just wanted to stand around and stare at nothing.  For a while this afternoon, Macon laid in front of the door staring out. Then one of the cats joined him and he left.  I'm not sure if he got bored or didn't want the company.  The cats have spent some of their time looking out the back window and sleeping on the back of the couch, today.
I'm making one of Hubby's favorite meals tonight for dinner. I'll put together a salad first, but he loves Hot Dogs and Mac & Cheese. I baked some sugar cookies for our dessert tonight. I am slowly emptying the freezer. 
I am hearing... the last couple of days I have been turning off the T. V. for a bit and turning on a Christian Radio Station in the afternoons.  I have been trying to catch up on some of the shows I've DVR-ed but I am not interested in the T. V. as much.  Hubby and I use to watch a lot of the comedy's but not any more. What some are calling funny or comedy just is not funny or entertaining to us any more.
I am wearing... Light Gray Sweat Pants and a dark shirt with horses on it.
I  am creating... I have been trying to gather all my scattered craft stuff into a couple of places. I found some T-shirts I bought last fall and some iron on lace and rhinestones and I really need to work on that this week.
 I should have taken my walk earlier but Now that its raining I don't feel like going walking at all. 

Billie C.

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