Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ut Oh

Jerry said that as he was going to work Monday morning a deer ran out of the woods along the roadside and hit the back of the truck. He looked but didn't see any damanges  done to the truck. I forgot I wanted to check it out when we went out to find something to put the air conditioner in that night. We were looking for a large plastic tub to put the air in and we didn't have any luck on that. Jerry ended up buying two 6 x 8 tarps and we will just wrap it in lots of plastice and then wrap a tarp around it. Not the ideal way to take care of it but it's better than leaving  it out in the weather. When he got in last night (Tuesday) He forgot that he wanted to use the tail gate to set the Air conditioner unit on so it would be easy to reach around and wrap in plastic. He did get back in and back up the truck a bit more when I reminded him.  But Rocky was very intrested in the passenger side fender well.  There's now a dint in the fender on that side cause Jerry hit another deer on his way in to work yesterday morning, as well.  I told him I think he has his limit on Deer this hunting season. ( a joke) It's not a big dint but it's there.  I just hope there are no more deer hits to that truck.

Billie C.
A man may smile and bid you well
Yet wish you to the devil;
But when a good dog wags his tail,
You know he's on the level.
~Author Unknown

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