Saturday, September 14, 2013

We are not moving

Well again.... We are not moving the camper this weekend or any time soon. The lot we wanted isn't going to open this winter as they are going to run new water, power and sewer lines... and hopefully we will not be without water when they do that.  I wanted to move "up front" but there are no other places that are going to work for us. No good spots to walk the dogs to.
On the other hand. we may be picking up a golf cart soon so I can "ride" up to the office area and get on line more often. Keeping fingers crossed for that. I can dump our trash, download emails and look up stuff for the crafts newsletter (hopefully).. But last year, they shut down the office except for weekends and there were weeks when I was the only person on the property. I can only hope that the wi-fi will be fixed before then.. not holding my breath on that either.

Billie C.
Smile, it makes people wonder what you have been up to.

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