Saturday, August 6, 2011

Good Morning. (or after noon or evening)

Not a lot going on around here, right now. I'm just trying to keep awake most of the time. Once the housework is done, there just isn't much for me to do but watch tv and or be on the computer. It's too hot to walk the dogs much right now. Although this morning we did get in a 10 minute walk, once the dogs went "P". Jerry is working today. He is now on mandatory 60 hours a week. I did suggest that he check out a R.V. park he heard of from someone at work. to see if its' a place we would like to be. Of course, we are paid up here until the first of September but that's not really that far off, now when your looking for a nice place.

I will have to try looking on Craig's list again for a place to rent. Jerry was at first surprised how high the rents were on the places I sent him. but after thinking about it, he said they really were reasonable. Well, lets see.. if we were in a motel room. we would be paying over $350 a week. Here at this R.V. Park it's $300 plus electricity. Last week I paid for two weeks electricaly use and it was just over $35. A house rents for around $400 to $700 a month. but that is for 3 to 4 bedrooms. Lots more room than what I have here. I still want out in the country and not in a city. I want the dogs to have some room to be outside if I want them outside.

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