Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter Traditions

My brother does not often write about our growing years. But he did so this week. Please read his post at

To be honest. I really don't recall it the way he does. But then, as he said, I was around 9 years old and most likely was still wiping the sleep from my eyes when he came in through the door. Not being very quick, I was more likely trying to figure out what was being said..

I do recall a few egg hunts he had planned out, down to and including drawing a map of where he was going to hid the treasures (boiled eggs) and that there was one egg that no one ever found... We still think it was the dog had found one.

Mom would let us kids dye eggs each year. And we had fun doing so, and making the mess.. The eggs were always used for dinner that day. Some deviled and most added to the potato salad.

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