Monday, February 21, 2011

Now for the rest of our day, yesterday

Now for the rest of our day.
we started out around 9 am. and stopped looking for Geocaches around 2pm. We took the dogs back to the camper, then headed to the store. That usually takes me an hour to pick up every thing we need. One of the managers packed up our grocries and man ,did it not do it "right' had meats in with dry packages, had a sausage in with the milk and the milk didn't want to stay standing up.. A bag of chips in with the eggs and the bread in with other chips. He also didn't double bag the cola's. Two of the cola bags broke. At least they went "south" in the house and not out in the driveway.
Anyway. we brought home the food and put it up. A Friday night, after we ate dinner (out, Cici's) we had gone to Lowes and I told Jerry my idea bout fixing the screen door to keep both kittens and dogs in the house. Between the two of us. we came up with a good idea. We bought some 1/4 inch wire screen. won't keep the bugs out but will keep the dogs and kittens in. well. Jerry brought home his cutters so we could cut the wires in the screen. and he started on that.
Boom !!! BOOM.. boom boom..... BOOM !!!
There is a junk yard kinda close by and it was on fire.. and the fires was in the brush across the creek and headed toward the campground. Jerry went to check where the smoke was coming from while I rounded up all the animals and put them in the van. grabbed my med's case and put it under my seat, the grabbed my camera to take a few pictures of what was going on.

I know of at least 5 different fire departments who showed up. They did a great job of containing the fire. I didn't go down and look, I'll take the camera tomorrow and take a few picture. Jerry told me it was up to one of the dog walking area.we use all the time. I'll be sure to take my camera out tomorrow while I walk the dogs and take some pictures.
Once we were sure the fire wasn't going to come this way, Jerry put the screens on the door for us. I helped by holding the screen in place and by putting the washers on the screws and handing them to Jerry.. that took us almost an hour as we had to do three pieces and each one had to be cut off the roll. Now I still have a part of the roll left.. I know what I'm going to do with some of it. I'm going to make a Cholach and put over my flower pots and keep the kittens out of anything I'm growing.

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