Monday, January 24, 2011

< Good Morning >

For Today... Jan 24, 2011
Good Morning.
Well. yesterday was buzy. We went out for Breakfast. Nothing unusual about that, I'm sure. But after breakfast we decided to recheck a few of the geocaches we had looke for before.. found 3 for 3. yea !!
I had suggested that we visit the Antique Car museum for a couple of weeks now. And we went.. I think we got our $10 worth. The Muscel Cars are in. Jerry had a blast. Before you ask if I had fun.. well yes.. but I'm not a car fan per say.. As long as it has four wheels on the ground and one that fits in my hand, a car is a car. I can't tell a Dodge from a Ford, to be honest about it. But I saw some great, unusual and unique cars while we were there. I didn't pick up any post cards though. It did reminde me of a couple of stories my Mom told me.
The local Doctor and my Great Grandfather had a dispute about who got the first car in the area. GGP ordered his first. But the Doctor recieved his first. Seems being a "Human" doctor has it's privledges when it came to shipping. Don't get me wrong. The men were friends. And were know to consult with each other as well. Of course.. GGP would always tell his friend.. now if it was my patient, I'd recomend putting it down. Great Grand Paw Raised mules for a living and he was also know for his skills in healing even the most sick of them and bringing them back to good health, if possible.
The other story involves my Grandmother's sisters. Back when Cars looked more like Surry's, you know the open sides and only a canvase cover for a top, If Sister's were visiting the farm and saw each other at opposite ends of the dirt road. would "Race" as fast as possible to cover as much road as possible so that the other sister had to ride the rest of their trip in dust. Depending on who was telling the story determended who had won that race.
And of course.. one more on my G-Grandfather.. Sure he ordered the first car, but he didn't drive it.. Seems that the first and only time he drove it.. he was heading for the barn and he holloer Gee, then Whoa.. and the durn thing didn't do either. He had Uncle James teach my Grandmother how to drive and she used the hand controls. When Mom turned 11 or 12, he had that same Uncle teach her how to drive and they had to put blocks of wood on the pedals to she could reach them. That was befor the adjustable seats came in cars.

Outside my door ... (7am) It's raining. Sure beats snowing, though. We may reach the mid 50's. I heard that GulfPort Mississippi may even reach 60F today. I'll take rain over snow almost any day.
The dogs ... Are now sleeping. They had A busy morning with the kittens. A few chases up and down the hallway, can wear a dog out. Poor Macon, he's too large to turn quickly and ran into the wall in the back a couple of times.. the kittens runnin back out, under his feet.
The Kittens ... Are now sleeping as well.. after a very busy morning of jumping bed to bed to wake up the dogs, chasing each other up and down the hallway. jumping over Rocky or running under Macon. then running and jumping onto the couch, to look out the window. Then back down the hallway, under Macon, who tries to turn and run with them.. only to trip over his own 4 feet. Up in the bathroom window to look out.. back to the kennals th bat at each other though the open door. back down the hall, over Rocky, under Macon. chasing a ball. and do it over and over again for 45 minutes.
From the kitchen... Roast today. I found roast on sale this week. I picked up two of them. I can cut each in half for just the two of us and get 4 meals out of them. With potatoes, carrots and green beans a full meal from the roaster oven.
I am hearing... Morning News (Jack Lalanne died) the fan on the heater and a kitten beside me, purring.
I am wearing... Dark Grey sweatpants and a purple flowered top
I am reading... emails. I hope to read in my "exiles of virgina" today.
Billie C.

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