Monday, December 13, 2010

December 13, 2010, our weekend

For Today... December 13, 2010.
Good Morning.  We had a cold but good weekend. Jerry had to work Saturday, and we didn't know if he would still have a job after that. He has gone into work today. We don't know for how many more days though. today could be the last or any other day this week. 
Yesterday, Jerry and I were going store to store, trying to find him some insulated over-alls or coveralls that would fit him.  After giving up on those, we started a hunt for thermo longjohn's.. yeah, right... In Mississippi. We finally found two of them, at the Dollar General. I figure I can always take some quarters, walk over to the office with a small load of laundry and wash them, then carry it back to the camper. Two is better than none at all.
Yesterday was a day of just getting colder and colder as the day progressed. today's high is only suppose to be 33, but we have the sun out and that's helping make the camper warmer.
Today, it was soo cold in here this morning that I went back to bed and didn't get up until 8. The dogs were wanting out and were doing their best to quietly wake me up. They still had to wait for me to wake up, get dressed, take my meds and grab a quick breakfast before we could take that walk. By the time we got to the potty area, they were ready to go back home quick.
Billie C.

The best gift we can give is the gift of our true appreciation and love

Hug someone in your family for no reason.
Wave to a child in the car next to you.
Send a thank-you note to your doctor.
Repeat something nice you heard about someone else.

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