Saturday, July 17, 2010

I am back on line

I'll tell you. I missed the internet terribly while I was off. I had my computer on every day, but I miss the inter action with all the people and groups I have been in contact with over the last few years. Not a lot has been going on. Jerry is working. We are catching up with our bills and our kids are all doing fairly well. Can't ask for much more than that, most of the time.

while I was off line, I tried to keep a few notes over the weeks, here are the things I wrote.

I have no idea when I'll e able to post this, but I can write a bit and post it when I do get back on-line.

We are slowly getting our bills caught up. If I'm posthing this, then you know we finally got Sprint Caught up again, as well.

June 14

Alabama has been hotter than normal for June. Usually the highs are in the upper 80's but so far we have been in the 90's each day so far

Yesterday, I goofed. Big time. We were putting our grocries in the back of the van. I had some frozen sugar-free ice pops and I put them on my seat of the van, but left the door open as it was getting hot in there. The man parked beside us, instead of pulling straight out, like he was pointed, backed up and caught the van door. We had to tie the door shut to get it home and Jerry had to put the tire iron in by the hinges to get the door to close. My fault as I left the door open.

June 22.

First full day of summer. It's been hot here in Alabama for over 3 weeks already, high's in the 90's each day, and the lows in the mid 70's each night. I have the phone all this week. already today I got two phone calls. One from Don, asking Jerry to remind Paul to send in his hours and then one from Paul who I gave the message to. I'm guessing he got Jerry's hours in on time.

June 25, Man, hard to believe that MJ has been gone a year. He was in the news for so long after his death that I forgot he died in June. I wish someone would also remember that Farrah Faucette (sp) Died on this same day a year ago. But then. MJ was so much larger in life that FF was. I do remember my Mom saying that FF would look so much nicier if she would just take care of her hair and not have it looking like it's so dirty all the time. You have to remember, I was never a huge Elvis fan. I didn't not like him, I just never saw what everyone else saw in him. The one movie of his I liked the most, he didn't sing in. I "Grew up" with MJ. From the first time he and his brothers were on the Ed Sullivan Show. To the Variaty (sp) show's of the 60's and 70's that would have the Jackson 5 on. And don't forget I also grew up with Donnie and Marie and the Osmonds as well. I think all "kids" of my age grew up with family singing groups. My family enjoyed playing music, I never got really well with anything but I enjoy making the noise. So our "being" a band was out of the question. Andy could play just about any musical insterment by ear. I don't know if he ever did learn how to read music. Thom used to do great on the banjo and Gitar (sp) I remember Thom learning Violin. I think that was the first thing he picked up. He played the drums in the school band.I learned a bit from watching him. I remember he also learned the French Horn. . Me, I can read some music. Use to play the clarinet until I got mumps on only one side of my face. That side now aches like crazy after only a few minutes of trying. I can play on a organ, almost. I learned on one with numbers for each key and still need that reminder to be able to pick out a tune most of the time. My Great Grandmother taught me how to play "This Old Man" on her old panio. She willed me the panio but I agreed to sell it, after she died. We had no room for it, and it was hard to keep tuned.

Mom could play the Sax, she learned that in school. I don't know when or where she learned to play the organ, but she did well on one. She wanted to learn to play a dulcimer as well.

Well that caught you up a bit. We havn't been to the gulf coast. And right now we really don't want to go either. The beaches may be open but it's still advised that you not get in the water. What's the use of going to the beach if you can't get in and get wet, right?

The dogs are doing well. They don't like the heat and sleep most of the day. Our summer dinner usually consistes of cut up vegetables and a sandwich with a handful of potato chips. If Jerry is lucky, I may also make a dessert to go with dinner. it's just too hot to cook in the camper and the air unit is not keeping it as cool as it should. We have a friend who is going to check out our unit and see why it's not getting as cold as we think it should. Maybe he can also stop the water drip inside as well. I empty the dishpan that is under the unit several times a day. I know it's not great water since even the dogs won't drink it. Glade they don't drink it and would rather drink out of their bowl since I have no idea if mold is growing in the water or not.

It's gotten too hot to do much walking, even in the early mornings. Hopefully we only have 3 or 4 more weeks of highs in the mid to upper 90's. Once it starts to lower, I'll be walking again.

a Yahoo for me... Back in Janurary, at one time I weighted 309.. I'm now down to 276. I have a long ways to go but at least I'm not going up.

Good Night and take care.]
Billie C.

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