Wednesday, April 7, 2010

For Today... April 7, 2010

For Today... April 7, 2010

Outside my window... it's been a partly sunny, partly cloudy day all day long. Just enough clouds to keep us from baking in the camper. It got a bit warm this afternoon, but it wasn't too bad.

I am thankful for... Being able to walk the dogs around the lower levels here at the R.V. Park. From once around one level, to now being able to walk around the edges of both levels and a bit more, twice a day now.

From the kitchen... Breakfast was a bowl of shredded wheat cereal and when I made Jerry his sausage and eggs, I fixed a sausage patty for me as well. Lunch was a sandwich. I shared my crusts with the dogs. Dinner was beefy rice-a-roni and two cheese hotdogs. I made up some instant chocolate pudding earlyer today and that will be our later snack. Might fix a pan of popcorn later, as well. I'm drinking at least 1/2 gallon of flavored water a day, plus more. I really should keep track of how much I'm drinking as well as what I'm eating, again.

I am wearing... Blue shorts and my purple flowered top.

I am reading... I didn't do much reading today, just some emails.

I am hoping... That Jerry can get a job soon so we can quit fighting for what little un-employment he's getting. He needs to make phone calls on that again tomorrow. Maybe even go to the careers center and have them help us out as well.

I am creating... I worked on my camper embrodrey this afternoon. I got the hitch area of it finished up. I am thinking of using some of our t-shirts with pictures as blocks on the quilt I want to make, as well as the blocks I'm working on.

I am hearing... Ghost Hunters is on. Not my favorite of shows but Jerry likes it.

Around the house... I did up the dishes this morning. Picked up some trash from around the living room and took a nap this afternoon.

A few plans for the rest of the week... Not many plans. Can't make plans until I know what's going on, money wise with us. or job wise. still will be walking the dogs each day. Suppose to rain tomorrow, so might find a way to use that to our advantage and get the pollen off the van and camper.


Jerry got up and went to the day labor place again today. Still didn't go out. He called B to let her know she's going to either have to pay the insurance this month or pick up for just the van she's driving this month or park it. Have no idea what she wants to do, yet.


Waited all day for IL to call us back. they never did. Funny how we are expected to stay by the phone all day long and still not get a call. Just because he's not working doesn't mean there isn't things we could be doing.

Need to check the mail tomorrow or Friday. We should be getting something in to show proof that the camper is ours now in the mail.

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