Thursday, February 25, 2010

Feb 25, 2010

For Today... Feb 25, 2010

Outside my window... The Sun is shining but it's so cold that I doubt the snow will do much melting at all. We have a few high light clouds.

From the kitchen... breakfast was pancakes that I made. I had the last one for lunch. Dinner was Macaroni and Spegettie Sauce.

I am wearing... maroon sweatpants under my blue long housedress. Yes, I'm only 1/2 dressed because I needed the pants on this morning to walk the dogs and just havn't gotten the rest on me, yet.


I have been trying to find out my Father's name. Not having much luck as I can't find his birth record. I do know my Grand-mother's name. But not her middle name. I have found her death cert. But it isn't very helpful. I do wish it would include full name of the spouse.

From what I recall from a conversation long ago around the kitchen table. My grandfather may have died in California. But I don't know what year so I can't narrow it down much more than that. I don't know if he was older, younger or the same age as my Grandmother. Her Father's first name is not spelled out and just initials are used. As for where she was born the only thing is the state and not what county or towhship.

I would like to fill in a family tree record for my Grand Children, and really, on my mother's side I can go back to my Great- Great Grandfather. I just havn't been working on it in a while.

When I visited my fathers' grave when we first got to Missouri, I was not able to find his mother's headstone or the head stone of his grand parents. Jerry said he saw them, but didn't think to tell me. With all this snow on the ground, it's going to be a while before I can get back. I did find pictures of the head stones on a MoGen site and have them saved to my computer. I may be able to use some of that information later in my search.


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