I love my life. I keep busy with taking care of my Hubby and our pets. I am sure that Life is more than a clean kitchen and empty sink. If you were to visit me, you may find some craft or another 1/2 done on the table. We no longer travel since Hubby has retired, but we still enjoy seeing new places and faces.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Sean Bean
I knew I had seen him in something else, Lord of the Rings. Jerry reconized him from National Treasure. So we were both right. I think he was channeling Boramir more than Ian Howe in the movie we saw yesterday.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Hello, to any one who reads this. We had an interesting day. Beth got off work at 4 am this morning. Giving her only 34 hours for this week. I guess it negates the 40 she got last week. Other than that ,and messing with hours all this week, she's doing good.
Heather got a job, this week, and has even been called in to work extra hours today. She's realizing she's a bit OCD. Third shift is the cleaning shift of most any convience store and she's loving her job so far. She just can't understand why the other girls make it sound like it's so hard to do.
Jerry is still job hunting. Still no word on any jobs opening up.
We, that is Jerry, Beth and I, took a day "off". We met up with Josh and MaKeya for a bit this afternoon... I hated that cold, slick walk up to the van, but it was sooo nice to get out for a bit. We ended up at the Ameristar casino. We went to the Arcade first and, by the time we were done, we had over 1,000 tickets to turn in. We had noticed a couple of girls playing games and kinda watching what we were doing. In the end, we gave the youngest our tickets. One reason was because her sister teased her about not having a lot of tickets. Love helping to even things out. "Dad" saw us give her the tickets so she wouldn't get in trouble with him. We then decided we were hungry but I knew I couldn't walk from one end of the building to the other and back again, so I sent the group down the courseway to find a place to eat. Arthor O'Brians, which was all well and good until the guys saw the prices of things in there. Back to Burger King. MaKeya wanted a burger, but when they found out that bacon and cheese costs extra. Josh decided he didn't want a burger there. He and Beth went next door to S'barro's and each got a slice of pizza. Beth said her's didnt taste as good as it looked. That the pepperoni tasted off. MaKeya ate all but one of the pepperoni and I ate the last one. It wasn't bad, just different from what she's use to. I expected her to pick the cheese off but she didn't. A waste of a slice of Pizza in the long run. Jerry and I had Burgers. I had the #11. which looked huge on the overhead screen. Boy was I wrong on that one. It was more like a double burger without the lettuce, tomato and onion on it. I gave "the kids" most of my fries and we still ended up tossing about 1/3rd of them in the trash can.
MaKeya is too young to gamble. And I didn't feel like it, today, anyway. Josh took in 15 and came out with $30. Jerry broke even, I think. Beth played her money, then played her winnings so she ended up losing in the end. When Jerry gave me $20 to go in and gamble, I just put it in my wallet. I told them all, I was gambling that it won't stay in there a full week.
We then walked back to see what movies were playing. They all wanted to see "Cop Out". From what I've seen of the previews, It wasn't something I wanted to waste my money on. The "Kids" had already seen Avatar and that was the one I wanted to see. There wasn't another one there I was intrested in, and told everyone they could watch a movie and I would sit on a bench waiting for them. They didn't want to do that. So we talked about it a bit and decided to see what's playing in Liberty. The Kids still got to see "Cop Out", Beth said the best part is after the credits run. Jerry and I saw "Percy Johnson, the Lighting bolt theif". Finally a movie that didn't have a lot of cussing in it. A birthday party was going on and I guess the birthday boy go to start the projector. Jerry was a bit grumpy about the kids being there, and he's the one who talked.
We are trying to place the actor who played Zeus and where we saw him before. And Uma Thurman. I'll be going to IMDB to look up the movie and see who and where in a few minutes.
When we got home, we had to walk down that driveway, as it's still snow covered. I had to walk our dogs once I got inside. They both tried to pull me off my feet and I was cussin mad at them for it. Macon slipped his collar and I really need to use the chain collar on him because this is starting to be a habit with him. He did what he was out side for, and let me put his collar back on, but I can't let him keep doing this just because he wants to. They both spotted Jerry, who had to re-arrange some things in the back of the van before coming to the house and that's when our dogs tried to pull me off my feet. I was not letting go of the leads so they could run to him. and now my arms and hands hurt.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Feb 26, 2010
It's Friday, something to celebrate even if Jerry still hasn't found a job. Friday's were always my day to do any "running" that needed done. shopping, banking, laundry, I'm sure you know the drill.
Today wasn't much different. While in Alabama, I had to get a driver's licence. No real biggy.. Well, it was as I really, really needed glasses in order to pass the eye exam. I swear they make those letters and numbers smaller and smaller each year. IN Alabama, if you are diabetic, like I am, You have to state that on the application. You are then informed that you "May" have to take a paper to your doctor that says you are safe to drive. I've never blacked out, had a seazure or any other high or low sugar incident. (lucky me) I have had low sugar a few times, but not while driving. A bit of Sugar or 1/2 a can of regular cola or a cup of orange juice and I'm right as rain. (I know rain isn't always right, see) If I'm on a long trip, I make good and sure I have the right snacks so we don't have problems along the way. Gee, ice chests are nice to have around. Anyways.... A couple of weeks ago, My Daughter in Tennessee got a letter for me from the state of Alabama's driver's devision and she called me. Open it and read it to me.. so she did.. Basicly it said I had until March 6th to have this form filled in by the doctor who's care I am under (in the state of Alabama only) and send it back to them to review that I am still safe to drive on the roads of Alabama. It's a bit far to go from Missouri to Alabama and find a doctor and beside that, we have no extra cash to pay for either the trip or the doctor's visit. So today, since we had to go to the county seat anyway, I changed my Driver's licence from Alabama to Missouri's (again) Way back in 1997, We lost everything including my purse and birth cert in a fire.. it took 18 months to get one copy of my Birth Cert from the state of California. I know Mom paid at least three times for one and it took both her and Jerry calling before they finally sent me one copy of it. But in the mean time. I didn't have a copy of my marrage licence (at that time) when I went to get my licence in 1998, instead of using my middle name or Initial, they used my maiden name as my middle name. every since, I have been trying to get it changed back to my middle initial and have had no luck. Even when I showed my Birth Cert and the Marrage licence.. Mo still has my maiden name as my middle name... I have to wonder what someone in my future will think when they are trying to research my as part of their family tree.
I have been trying to find some sort of records on my father and his father. I know Dad's birth date and death date. Found him in the S.S. index, but it doesn't tell where he was born. only where he was when he died. Since I don't know his father's middle name, I also don't know his middle initial.. I think I heard a long time ago, that he died in California. One night, around the kitchen table when I was 14 or so, I heard that when I was less than three years old, we (as a family) visited My Grandfather Swan, and that I wondered off and found his horses. He had a trick horse and when he called and called that horse didn't come running like he usually does. He couldn't, I was asleep under him, holding onto a hoof. He kept shifting his other three legs to keep the sun off me while I slept. So my love of horses goes way, way back. I did find my Grandmother's death cert. but it's not much help as it doesn't list what county she was born in. Just that she was born in Missouri as where her parents. I have pictures of their grave markers and maybe, one of these days, I can find out more about that side of my family.
We lent Heather a car we are buying.. she's had some trouble out of it and now, the water pump may be gone in it. If it's just th the water pump that's a fairly easy fix. But I don't know if we will have to send her the money to fix it, or what.
Where is your cell phone? By my hand, on the desk, charging.
Significant other? Talking on his cell phone.
Your hair? Red, white, and a tangled mess. I did brush it today.. most days I forget. time for a trim.
Your mother? Passed away in 2003.
Your father? Passed away in 2009. It was a Sorry way to find out your father died. A cousin read his obit on the paper and asked me in an email if it was him or not.. No one tried to call either me or my brother. Come on people, I know he kept a personal phone book by the phone. Even if they didn't know my last name, my brother has his last name. I didn't have time to go to his funeral.. so I sent my youngest right after work to it. She took a friend. The "Lady" taking care of the arrangments, made it a point to say 'Here, you and your mom are going to want this' and handed her the lawyer's card. She said it loud enough that several people turned to look at them. I never asked my Dad for anything once we got married. One time I did want to get a loan from him, but he was out of town and we found a different way to get what we needed. When asked "Where is your Mom" Beth told her, In Georgia, having eye surgury, She didn't find out about Grandpa until yesterday afternoon, There is no way she could drive here in that short a time and get back for her next appointment. My daughter can get a bit snippy when she needs to. She was polite but tired.
Your favorite thing? "thing" is the T.V. I turn it on for the sound, as the picture is just awful right now.
Your dream last night? putting in a garden
Your hobby?(s) sewing, crafts, beading, jewerly, cooking,
Where do you want to be in 6 years? In the mountains. any where that has some high mountains .. North Carolina, Colorado, or Utah.
Where were you last night? Home. on the computer.
Something that you aren't? Healthy and thin
Muffins? I don't make them, I will eat them if they are on the table.
Wish list item? "New" wish list item.. circut paper cutter system. I've been waiting for them to come down in price.
Last thing you did? Went to Plattsburg Mo to take care of a few things. driver's licence, personal property taxes paid, Stop in at Human Resources to ask a couple of questions.
What are you wearing? Dark blue sweat pants and a purple flowered t-top/
TV? Broken..
Your pets? Two Dogs. Beth has two dogs and a cat that want to go with us. oh yeah.. make that three+ cats ( the + means she's about to have kittens)
Your life? An adventure. UP and down and Up and Down again. just like a good roller coaster ride.
Your mood? on a scale of 1 to 10, I would say 7.. to the good.
Missing someone? My Mom and my Son, wish he would call me or write me.
Drinking? Diet Dr Pepper, (right now, sorta wished I could drink something "harder" as my daughter called and said the car is broken and leaking water badly.. hopefully it's just a water pump, Her S/O is out there now, checking to see if it might be the water pump)
Your car? Bright Yellow DHL Van.
Something you're not wearing? shoes
Your favorite store? Hobby Lobby and Joanne's
When is the last time you cried? A couple of weeks ago, read a sad story about an 80+ woman who had to have her dog put to sleep
Where do you go to over and over? To sleep, the fridge, and Walmart
My favorite place to eat? Golden Corral
Favorite place I'd like to be at right now? The Beach, as long as it's warm
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Feb 25, 2010
For Today... Feb 25, 2010
Outside my window... The Sun is shining but it's so cold that I doubt the snow will do much melting at all. We have a few high light clouds.
From the kitchen... breakfast was pancakes that I made. I had the last one for lunch. Dinner was Macaroni and Spegettie Sauce.
I am wearing... maroon sweatpants under my blue long housedress. Yes, I'm only 1/2 dressed because I needed the pants on this morning to walk the dogs and just havn't gotten the rest on me, yet.
I have been trying to find out my Father's name. Not having much luck as I can't find his birth record. I do know my Grand-mother's name. But not her middle name. I have found her death cert. But it isn't very helpful. I do wish it would include full name of the spouse.
From what I recall from a conversation long ago around the kitchen table. My grandfather may have died in California. But I don't know what year so I can't narrow it down much more than that. I don't know if he was older, younger or the same age as my Grandmother. Her Father's first name is not spelled out and just initials are used. As for where she was born the only thing is the state and not what county or towhship.
I would like to fill in a family tree record for my Grand Children, and really, on my mother's side I can go back to my Great- Great Grandfather. I just havn't been working on it in a while.
When I visited my fathers' grave when we first got to Missouri, I was not able to find his mother's headstone or the head stone of his grand parents. Jerry said he saw them, but didn't think to tell me. With all this snow on the ground, it's going to be a while before I can get back. I did find pictures of the head stones on a MoGen site and have them saved to my computer. I may be able to use some of that information later in my search.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Feb 24, 2010,
Feb 24, 2010,
Mom has been gone for 7 years now. I still miss her every day. Even when we lived half a country apart, I always knew I could call her and just talk. We didn't have to have a reason to talk, just catch up with each other. She wasn't one to tell me much about what was going on in my brother's lives so I'm sure they didn't know much about me either.
Oh NO !!!..
The T.V. died today.
No,,, really.
Jerry and I are totally addicted to watching the T.V. from the time we get up till the time we head to bed, and then some.
Of course I noticed that Jack's face was a just more than a little red this morning. So was Victor's and Kay's but I just figured it was me. (yes, I watch Y&R every day) Jerry had the thing on and was asleep and it was loud enough to keep Beth awake. She turned it off since he was sleeping. He slept at least an hour longer before noticing....Turning of the thing when I have fallen asleep in front of it wakes me up, leave it on if I fall asleep in front of it, just turn it down a bit at a time. When he turned it on, I guess the picture just coudln't handle it any more... But then again.. it's an old flat screen. I remember watching the news over and over on it, on Sept 11, 2001. and we had to have gotten in in either May or June and it was used when we got it.
Oh woe.
We do have a back up.. in storage... drats and durn this snow, though. It's an old one in a wooden box. heavy is not the word I would use for it. It's going to take all three of us to get it into the house, I'm sure.and we have to wait for the snow to melt as there is no way we can put it on the sled and pull it down here by hand. Although Jerry did think of that first. even turned up side down it would still be too heavy, let alone what it would do the the T.V. Jerry isn't sure if it will hook up to the satilight or if we will need to go get a different co-axel cable for it. Sigh. I usually leave off my computer at dinner time and sit in the living room, with Jerry, watching T.V. most night. He's going to miss Ghose Hunters tonight and OH NO.. Survivor tomorron night !!!! Oh No..oh no. Catching an update is not the same as watching Survivor.
I'm going to have to come up with and Ode to the T.V. at this rate.
Outside my window... The sun is shining but it's still very cold outside. I've seen a few chunks of ice and snow fall off the roof, but the sun isn't having much luck in melting the snow on the ground, yet. I did see "my" hawk earlier today. It can and landed on a downed tree branch in the brush pile and sat there for about 10 minutes before flying off again.
I am thinking... It's cold outside and I don't want to go out in it. I really should take the dogs out at least once, and not have Jerry doing it all the time. It's funny but the dogs go to him to go outside most of the time anyway.. they come to me if he's ingnoring them, but once I say something they run back to him to get his attention again for their outing. I don't know if it's because he walks them further than I do or just that they know he won't alway be around to do it, once he goes back to work and they will be stuck with me, again.
I am thankful for... The knowledge that Spring follows Winter and that soon it will be warming up and we can put away the heavy coats for another year.
From the kitchen... Jerry has taken over most of the cooking. Breakfast was fried eggs, fried potatoes and bacon, I know not the best thing for me to have every day. If it wasn't the eggs and potatoes then it would be pancakes.
Beth needs to take cupcakes to work tonight so I'm baking them for her. I have to go and take care of them in a couple more minutes.
I am wearing... Dark grey sweatpants and a tshirt with a horse printed on the front of it.
I am reading... emails and the recipe on the back of the box for Beth's cupcakes
I am hoping... Jerry gets a call from BE&K soon because he really wants to go back to work.
I am creating... not working on anything at this time.
I am hearing... some music on my mp3 player.
Around the house... Did the dishes and a load of laundry, now baking the cupcakes.
One of my favorite things... Just knowing that Jerry loves me and wants to take care of me.
A few plans for the rest of the week... No plans until the snow melts. I do need to change my driver's licence soon.
I came across a reference to "The Kitchen Klatter" and recalled I have (or had) a bunch of them at one time. I can not recall if they were left on the farm or if I put them in a tub in storage. I hope in storage but it will be a while before I know for sure. It's funny how a small town in Iowa girl was able to have such a wide following. Her brother needed a "friendly" voice for a spot on a radio program that his company was sponsering, which turned into over 4 decades of frendly chat, recipe sharing and garden advice as well as just a look inside the average life of a very extended family.
I would like to find a way to have my own ""Kitchen Klatter" and share it with who ever wanted to share a recipe, learn somthing about the plants in the house or garden and just about life in general in the 21 century. Blogging is as close as I'll get, I think.
speaking of which. I do have to go make some cupcakes for my daughter to take to work. A couple of years ago I would have been more than glade to make them from scratch, still would if she wanted me to.. But she bought a couple of box mixes and I'll use those. At times, I wonder if any one really does cook from scratch much any more.
Is it me, or does more and more of the food we buy seem to have less flavor to it. Sometimes, I wonder if the packaging woudn't be better for me in the long run and have as much appeal.
When I said I had to walk up the hill, twice, yesterday.. I thought you may want to know just how far that is. If you look to the right of the top of this picture, you will see the back of a black trailer. The vans are parked on the other side of it. It's close to a quarter of a mile walk, This is not our last snow, but a couple of storms ago. This past storm we got almost 10 inches of snow. Luckly we got the grocries before it got here, so we didn't have to carry anything heavy back down. In the bottom left of the picture, where you see the rut in the snow, is where all the water runs off, from the hill.. Right now, it's more like an ice rink than a snow bank.
Today it is sunny out, but still very cold. I doubt we will have much melting until Friday at the earliest. By then, we may have to go to the store again. There are some things that just don't last long, even with refrigeration. Milk being one of those things. We eat a lot of eggs for three people. Especally when your daughter needs you to make some cupcakes to take in to work.. She's the one who is going to have to walk them up that hill, tonight, in the bitter cold. I'm not sure which is harder on her, this cold or her landlord waking her up in the middle of the day in summer, mowing the grass.
Feb 23, 2010
Because we needed the hitch put on the van. and Beth needs to get up at 6 pm and be to work at 9 pm. ... instead of her following Dad to the shop, I ended up walking up the snowy hill and taking one of the vans to the shop, then back home. I expected Beth to be in bed, but she was watching tv when we got back. Jerry made breakfast.
For Today... Feb 23, 2010
Outside my window... (7am) it's so cold that everythings is covered in cryatals and sparkling with an orange caste to it from the raising sun. Which has just cleared the top of the hill across the way. within seconds, it goes from Orange to pink, to Yellow. I can see the tracks the dogs have left in the snow, the edges of which catch and sparkle in the new light as well. You know it's cold when the snow looks like it has a million diamonds in it.
(10am) the sun is out, and very bright. Every thing still has a sparkle to it, but I can see water dripping off the roof falling past the window I look out. I expect that the Sun will help melt down some of the snow. When it re-freezes it will be twice as hard to walk up the hill to the van.
(2pm) Another walk up the hill. I'm wore out. We took the dogs with us. Each of us walking one dog. going up, I had Rocky. Coming back down, I had Macon. I had to let Macon run with his lead draggin when Molly came up to play. Macon did good and stayed fairly close to us and came when he was called, sort of. Molly tried to get him to rum the other direction. It's still cold out. The sun is working some magic but not enough to melt away the snow. We got almost 10 inches of it Sunday and schools were closed yesterday. I'm so glade we don't have any kids in school around here, It would be a struggle to get them to the bus stop when it's like this outside. It's still cold enough that the ice on the trees sparkle. Although there are a couple of icicles growing outside my window. We are starting to cloud up now. A cold front is suppose to come through today. Beth is driving herself to work tonight because she doesn't want to wake up Dad around 4 am to let him know when to come get her. Her hours have changed, again.
I am thinking... The Hitch is on the van. All we need is a job to go to and we are set, We can pick up the camper on our way to another job, if it's in the southeast.
I am thankful for... Being able to walk out in the snow and sunshine. Although it's cold out, I can bundle up and keep warm enough to enjoy the exercize. My knee isn't too happy with me but I expected something to hurt by the time I got back the second time.
From the kitchen... Jerry made me scrambled eggs with cheese on top and some bacon. Loved it. Lunch was some Romain salad with salsa and sour cream on top. Next time, I'm going to use much less sour cream.
I am wearing... brown sweatpants and my wild and free tshirt.
I am reading... emails
I am hoping... That this snow melts by the weekend so we can get out easier.
I am creating... still working on a pot holder for Beth so she will have a set.
I am hearing... The fan on the heater in here, it's loud.
Around the house... I need to do dishes, we seem to be low on silverware. I have a load of laundry in the dryer that needs folded up.
One of my favorite things... Watching the dogs play and letting them have a little time to run wild.
A few plans for the rest of the week... no plans
Things I remember making for my Mom. A Grocie list holder from wood and a metal strip that a roll from an adding machine fit into.
A snail from Paper mache, A swan but it was lost long ago.
Pot holders and tea towels
I knitted her some booties, and a scarf or two.
A plastic canvase heart shapped box, which my grandmother gave away to her cousin.
some earrings
angel pins
loam beaded necklaces.
I know, It's been a few days since I wrote in my journal. Outside of it being cold there isn't much to say.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
How much snow does a dog sled team need? 2/21/10
We have at least 4 inches out there and it's still falling fast. At times I can not see the house across the road. It's a very good thing that both vans are parked up at the top of the hill of the driveway, but I bet they still will need to be shoveled out before any one can go any where.
Sure wish I could push a button and send all this snow up to either Alaska or Vancouver so those who enjoy snow, can have it.
I know, Missouri is suppose to get snow each winter, but this is getting to be too much. After this storm is over, we are going to be very cold, again. Please remind me in August that I said I wanted it to stop snowing
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Supreme Taco Salad
Supreme Taco Salad
1 small can sliced black olives, drained
1-2 tomatoes, chopped
1 head lettuce, torn into bite-sized pieces
6-7 radishes, sliced
4-5 green onions (scallions) chopped
1 cucumber, chopped
1 green pepper, chopped
1 1/2 pounds ground chuck
1 pkg. taco seasoning
1 can pinto or chili beans (if using pinto, drain the can)
1 cup grated cheese
1 bottle Catalina dressing
1/2 bag fritos (12 oz bag)
picante sauce
sour cream
Fry ground chuck; drain grease. Add taco seasoning and mix well. Place in large bowl. Add beans, stir. Toss in all vegetables and the olives and blend well. Stir in the Fritos. Just before serving, pour the dressing over and toss well. Add picante sauce and sour cream, if desired.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
A few snippets from the Clinton County Sheriff's Report
A few snippets from the Clinton County Sheriff's Report
Monday, February 1st
8:12 AM 911 Call: There are four Great Pyrenees dogs are walking along I-35 at the 49 MM. Clinton County does not respond to dog calls.
9:10 AM Dead coyote on Hwy 33 near Holt. County doesn't do dead coyote calls,either.
11:32 AM 911 Call: Excited lady watched a boy run across Hwy 69 with two dogs...
12:45 PM 911 Call: More dog calls. It's the Great Pyrenees, again. Called MHP to see if a Trooper wants to fool with them.
2:15 PM A man on a borrowed cell phone has had a boat and two trailers stolen...but he doesn't know his address. The man that owns the cell phone called to say that he doesn't know the address either....but he can give exact direction to find the place...(Give 'um a break... they are in Lake Arrowhead...) Deputy with a map, a GPS and a cell phone is dispatched.
6:20 PM 911 Call: People are getting exceedingly angry and getting out of their cars. The stop light on Hwy36 by McDonald's has been stuck on red for 15 minutes. The drivers in front are to chicken to run it..and the drivers behind them are loudly giving them .. "options".
6:28 PM A man called the Sheriff' Department from his office. His children are home alone in their rural residence near Lathrop. The terrified children called him at work.....someone was furiously pounding on the front door ! Deputy was dispatched...Yes, someone was...it was the slightly frazzled Mom...
9:40 PM "Margaret" from St. Joe called...wanted to know the name of that guy that lives north of Gower.. sells farm equipment and gates...
Tuesday, February 2
11:08 AM A parolee, stricken with a sudden onset of dumbness, broke away from the County Parole Officer on the very last day of his parole. He ran west from the courthouse with the parole officer and a geriatric deputy on his trail. After running three blocks the wheezing deputy headed the parolee off at Locust and Second Street. The parolee couldn't help but notice that the TAZER pointed at his chest was still fully charged...even if the deputy wasn't. The parolee now lives in Cell 10.
1:46 PM A "FedEx" truck is parked in front of a rural home. Two white males brazenly walked, uninvited, into the homeowners shop. The irate owner confronted them. They said they were looking for jumper cables to start their truck. However, they quickly returned to their truck, started it and drove off. The home owner reminded the dispatcher that anyone can now buy used FedEx trucks in Liberty.
6:49 PM Black cow is out on the blacktop road north of Turney.
Wednesday, February 3
4:24 AM Domestic of sorts in Lathrop. "She's" there and "he's" there and another "she" who's mad a the first "she".. Lathrop officer dispatched to sort it out.
5:30 AM 911 Call: Caller didn't see it happen but there is a one vehicle wreck on Hwy 116 at Travel Express. Lathrop Fire is first to the location. Everyone can go home. It was only a guy turning around in a driveway and got stuck.6:43 AM Black cow out again on the black highway...north of Turney.
9:21 AM Horses are out...Gower.
12:34 AM 911 Call: A 29 year old female in Lathrop, had a severe head ache then passed out.
4:32 PM Six black cows are back out on Hwy "J".
7:28 PM A deer leaped in front of a car just as the car passed a mail box. The deer and the mail box are dead, the driver is slightly injured.
6:56 PM Farm lady on Hwy "J" is really ticked off. People keep calling her and telling her that her cows are out...
8:23 PM 911 Call: A young lady dialed 911. She needs the dispatcher to fix her cell phone and remove the "SOS" from the thing...
Thursday, February 4th
12:36 AM 911 Call: The Hill Top Grill on PP Hwy 4 has an older male there that is having problems standing up and talking. He has only been drinking water. Holt EMS dispatched.11:15 AM A chicken farmer north of Lathrop is really feeling guilty. Some dogs were trying to kill his chickens. He fired a shotgun to scare them off but actually hit one and killed it. The dispatcher told him he has every right to shoot dogs trying to damage his property.
1:45 PM 911 Call: There is a customer is a store in Lathrop. The customer is extremely belligerent and perhaps just a tad intoxicated. Lathrop PD dispatched.
4:40 PM 911 Call: The irate female called 911 because a State Trooper was still in the process of writing her a ticket for speeding on I-35. The lady babbled on about how rude he is and how he's just taking his time writing the ticket...and she wants the dispatcher to call him and tell him to hurry up ! She has to get home to take her medicine...
7:36 PM 911 Call: An ambulance is needed at the Lathrop High School wrestling tournament. An 18 year old male has a dislocated elbow. TCA is dispatched.
Friday, February 5th
6:37 AM 911 Call: A car trying to turn south from Hwy 116 on to Hwy 33 in Lathrop, has slid off the highway and down the embankment in front of the Fast Break store.
6:50 AM A lady is on I-35 just south of Hwy 69. Her truck is pulling a trailer load of hogs on their way to market. At least one of the hogs has made a break for it...and is now running loose on the Interstate.
3:15 PM 911 Call: An entire herd of 30 black cows are out on Hwy 116 in front of Pamidas'. The dispatcher spends half an hour calling every rancher in the book to find the owner. The Plattsburg officer and several deputies spend half an hour rounding them up.
Saturday, February 6th.
8:49 AM Surprise! A resident in Turney arrived home to find a totally wrecked white, Pontiac Grand AM in his driveway. A youth came to the house, removed the plates, took items out of the car, told the home owner he could have the car and left.
9:30 AM 911 Call: There is a fight going on in the parking lot of Casey's in Lathrop. The caller said the fight could be between a male and a female...but he's not real sure the guy is really a guy. City officer is dispatched and a deputy. They discover that the guy is the one with the multi-colored purse.
12:30 PM 911 Call: A mother is trying to locate her 13 year old son. Her 15 year old and the 13 year old got into a fight and the 13 year old ran away. They believe he crossed I-35 on foot. For the next hour the the ex-dad, the MHP, and two Clinton County Deputies launch a search....long story...but it has a happy ending.
1:09 PM 911 Call: Mass confusion. A 42 year old man fell out of a tree and fell 20 feet to the ground. He is in serious trouble. Lawson Fire is called but they can't go. TCA is paged out. LifeNet helicopter is paged out from St. Joe. The highly rural address is difficult to find. LifeEagle helicopter from Liberty arrives...victim is transported.
3:42 PM 911 Call: A Plattsburg officer is needed on Railroad Avenue. An old blue, Chevy truck is being driven by a boozy driver. The boozy driver borrowed the truck..the owner of which, would like it back.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
For Today... Feb 16, 2010
For Today... Feb 16, 2010
Outside my window... We have some sun and some clouds. Snow still on the ground, but it's melting quickly. Good thing, since we are suppose to get more on Friday
From the kitchen... Breakfast was fried potates and eggs. My lunch was a cup of Granola Cereal with milk and a grilled cheese sandwich. Dinner was Salad, two hamburger patties and some French Fries.
I am wearing... Maroon sweat pants and a blue flower printed top.Wearing a purple bandana in honor of Mardi Gras
I am reading... emails and blogs
I am hoping... Still hoping for the same things, Jerry to get called for work and for it to warm up around here.
I am hearing... playing music from my computer, putting some on my mp3 player, saving some and getting rid of things I'm not intrested in.
Around the house... dishes and laundry
Monday, February 15, 2010
Feb 15, 2010
Jerry is so sweet. Even though we don't have a whole lot of cash right now (between un-employment checks) He got me a very nice card for Valentines day. It expresses just what the two of us Promised each other, back in 1977. To just be there for each other, no matter what else was going on.. I don't want to put it away.
I've been thinking about "our" camper the last few days. I do hope that we can get back to it soon as it really is "home" for us. Although we've been here at Beth's for a long time now (since Oct) we are still "just visiting" and really do need to get on out of her hair and back to the things we are use to doing on our own. I know Beth loves our being here but also misses doing all the things she does without our being here.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
For Today... Feb 10, 2010
For Today... Feb 10, 2010
Outside my window... (8 am )We woke up to more snow. I thought it was suppose to end and be sunny today. UGH. It's not a hard snow, but it's still depressing. But at least it's warm enough to snow. Last night we were to be in the single digets, so if it's snowing at least that means the tempature has raised up a bit.
(8:oopm) Well, it did quit snowing, and the sun came out for a while, but it didn't warm up much at all. I stepped outside for a few minutes for some fresh air and without a coat on. I was in the shelter of the garage and the sun was shining in so it was comfortable enough for a little bit. When I spotted some trash that needed to be picked up (thanks Molly) and stepped away from the shelter of the garage I was reminded by the breeze that it's still cold outside. We had a little of the snow melt, but underneath the snow, but not enough to make much difference. I have just come back in from walking the dogs and boy am I glade I put on my coat. The sun went down around 6 pm and once it was gone the tempature really changed. Even the dogs were quick to get done what they were outside for, and come back in.
I am thinking... I have got to change my diet and I have got to get Jerry on board with it. Fried food is not my friend, and neither are all the potatoes we eat. I keep asking him and telling him, but he's not getting it. We havn't had any Salad in a week, my fault on that, I didn't pick up at from the store, while trying to save as much money as we can. Salad makings are very high this time of the year. I did eat some of the fresh Salsa, but I think eating it with chips kinda defeated the idea of fresh produce. The only other "good" for me thing I ate was a banana, and I'm not sure it was all that good for me. I just can't seem to get it into Jerry's mind that I HAVE to have vegetables. And not always peas. He'll only eat canned, and there's a lot of salt in canned goods. Peas are high starch and sugar from what I read the other day. I am tired of Green beans, but that's about all the canned goods we get is green beans and peas.
I am thankful for... Jerry, he does try to take care of me. He really does care.
From the kitchen... Breakfast, Fried Potatoes, Fried eggs with fresh Salsa and bread to mop up the yolks with. Lunch was Doritos scoops with Fresh (3days ago) Salsa. Dinner was Hamburger helper hamburger mac and cheese and french fries.
I am wearing... Dark Blue sweats and a top with maroon flowers on it.
I am reading... emails and bloogs
I am hoping... That Jerry gets a call to go back to work, soon. Once we have more money comeing in, I can get back to a better diet.
I am hearing... The heater on the dog food box. The heater in Beth's room went out. (they really don't last more than a year or so) and I told her to take the one from this room my computer is in, and I would use the heater in the room Jerry sleeps in during the day and he can have it back at night. When we get our taxes in, I hope to buy a couple of heaters. One for her and one for us to have in the camper. WE have one there already, but it's two years old.
Around the house... I did a load of laundry and have enough to do another in the morning.
A few plans for the rest of the week... No plans as of yet. IF we get our tax money in, I'll do more food shopping.
Last night we had Fish stickes for dinner, Along with french fries and green beans.
For Today... Feb 9, 2010. Tuesday
For Today... Feb 9, 2010. Tuesday
Outside my window... (9:30am) The sun is shining but it's cold outside. The snow has a sparkle to it like a million diamonds laying on the ground. The cardnails are back, playing the the brush across the way. I think I saw the local hawk in the sky a bit ago, but when he's (or she) is up very high it's hard to see him because he blends in with the clouds. (s)he has a white underside. Makes sense considering it has to swoop out of the sky to catch it's meals on the run.
(3:00pm) It's snowing, again. Not a heavy snow, just flakes in the air. No accumulation expected from it. At at least not much. Even the sun is trying to shine while there are still some flakes comeing down.
From the kitchen... (9:30am) Breakfast was pancakes. I had to open the new bag of flour, that Jerry had put on the highest shelf in the bit of space Beth uses for her pantry. I coudln't reach it so I had to wait for Jerry to come back in from walking the dogs, before I could ask him to get it for me. Molly ended up with the first pancake. It just didnt want to cook and fell apart when I tried to turn it the first time. It took a long time for the skillet I was using to warm up, this morning.
(3:00) Lunch was a couple of slices of Taco Pizza from Casey's, left overs from Sunday's Superbowl party we had. I think the dogs may end up with the rest of it. The first few bites reminded me of Mom's old Taco Casserole she use to make. I've lost the recipe to it. but you ended up layering corn tortilles, seasoned meat, and cheese in a baking dish, then topped it all with a came of Cream of Mushroom soup. Mom didn't much care for the Mushrooms, but she would make it and just pick them out of her bowl.
I am wearing... Brown sweat pants, and a tee shirt under a whilte long sleeve warmer over shirt. Yes, it's cold outside and inside.
I am reading... emails
Around the house... (9:30am) I finished up the last of Beth's laundry. I need to do dishes. (4:00) I finally got up and did the dishes,, took me about 30 minutes as I had to wait for the water to warm up, in the kitchen. The faucet in there is back to just running at a slow stream.
A few plans for the rest of the week... no plans, so far.. Jerry plans on going to town in a bit to drop a rebate form in the mail, pick up some potatoes and I don't know what else.. Mainly to get out for a bit, I'm thinking. He gets cabin fever worst than I do.
Monday, February 8, 2010
For Today... Feb 8, 2010
For Today... Feb 8, 2010
( 2pm) Outside my window... The snow is blowing around, The wind has picked up and is blowing the snow from one place to another as well as swirling it around and around along with what's falling from the sky. You can't see the tire tracks in the yard any more, they are filled in with the fresh snowfall.
(7:30) The snow finally stopped, after dark and now it's getting colder and colder. Beth is driving herself in to work and her van has no heat in it. We just hope that Clay County has taken care of the roads like they should. She drives main roads that many people use all the time but with the tempature dropping down to single digets, there may still be some icy spots on the roads.
I am thinking... (2 pm) I am wasting my time, wishing for Spring to hurry up and get here. I could be wishing away my whole life because once Spring got here, I would want summer, Then I would be wishing for Fall, and the cycle would continue..
It's days like this, sitting here at a window, reading stuff on the computer, and watching the show swirl and dance outside that makes Winter, winter. Sure it's cold and sure it's slick, but there is also beauty to it as well. Who needs a snow globe when you can just look outside your window every now and then. Watching the birds playing,, the dogs chasing each other in the snow (Beth's dogs, not mine.. they are staying warm inside) Sam will go running up the back driveway every now and then.. and If I see him going, I'll watch because he's heard a truck or tractor and he's willing to race beside it from the driveway to the next house down, where the next dog is willing to take over the race. If ever you needed to teach a relay race, find some dogs close to home who do this to show the kids how it's done.
I am thankful for... Being able to let you in on some family news. Josh,( Jerry's sisters' son,) and his wife are expecting their first Baby.. Due end of July or first week of Auguest. I'm going to be a Great Aunt. !! !! !!
Mrs. Smith pulled Mrs. Jones out of earshot of the porch, where Mrs. Jones' lovely young daughter, Linda, sat. "It is really none of my business," whispered Mrs. Smith, "but have you noticed what your daughter is doing?"
"Why, no. Is she up to anything special?"
Mrs. Smith leaned closer. "Haven't you noticed? She has started knitting tiny garments!"
Mrs. Jones' troubled brow cleared. "Well, thank goodness," she said smiling, "at last she has taken an interest in something besides running around with boys."
From the kitchen... Surprise ! Beth cooked dinner tonight. She made Chicken Parmagan. She cooke chicken tenders (last of the bag) in a skillet until done with little seasoning. Heated up some Spegettie Sauce in another pan, and then boiled up egg noodles, Add to that a can of peas and it's a meal.. She talked Jerry into baking a cake. He's been doing most of the cooking, I've been doing cleaning and she's been working nights, sleeping days.
I am wearing... Brown sweats and a blue flowered top
I am reading... emails and blogs
I am hoping... We get a break in the weather so Jerry can go to the library and pick up some tax forms we need.
I am creating... While we were at storage last week, I pulled three tubs out to bring back to Beth's house with us. I am trying to learn my way around the 1790's. And these tubs have some of my "Stuff" in them. I went through one today (hang in here, it's a good story) I found my wooden knitting needles and some red yarn. (it's acrylic not wool) and then found a potholder I had started long ago, for Beth. It's a black to white varagated yarn. and I finished it up while wathcing my favorite Soap Show. She was ok with it.. I guess. But when she needed a pot holder this evening while she was cooking she came over and grabbed it, so now it's a keeper. I am thinking of using the rest of the yarn to make her another one. maybe a round one this time.
I am hearing... Jerry has last weeks "Pawn Stars" on so I came to the comptuer, When a new one comes on, I'll go watch it.
Around the house... I need to go do the dishes. I'm doing laundry for Beth today. Got almost all of it done. Beth put away her clean clothes today (she's on a roll here folks) I've done one load of whites, washed and dried two loads of darks, have one more in the dryer, another load in the washer as I write, with her sheets off her bed (she changed her bed even !!!) that I'll finish up before morning so she can have fresh sheets on her bed to sleep on. (10:30) sheets are in the dryer and the two blankets she needs done are in the washer. Depends on how tired I am when the sheets are done, if I put them in the dryer tonight or when I get up in the morning.
One of my favorite things... Sitting at a window, looking out, and seeing the red birds playing chase in the brush across the way a bit. They stand out agaist the white of the snow and the dark of the trees. Flitting from tree branch to weed top, to the top of a bush and back again.
A few plans for the rest of the week... I rarely make plans. Beth and I did talk about how much fun we had yesterday with Josh and Makeya over. We ate, played games and watched most of Super bowl with them. They left a bit early because everyone was getting sleepy. His hours have chancged to where he's working days again but that means getting up at 4 am, instead of getting home at 6. Once he's off to work, Makeya can either stay up or go back to bed. Beth and I both told her, we would end up going back to bed. (ha ha)
Pico De Gallo
For our Superbowl gathering. I made Fresh Salsa or Pico De Gallo. I cheated.. I found a package of salsa seasoning at Walmart. It called for 4 t o5 Ripe Roma Tomatoes. I got 6, it called for 1/2 a small onion, I think I used a bit more than that.. I found a green pepper in the fridge, and so added it in, as well. It wasn't called for, on the package but I saw it in several recipes I looked up, on the internet. I also added a good splash of Lemon juice also not called for on the package but found in several recipes as well..
I used my food processor to "chop" everything. first I did 4 tomatles,and put them in a large bowl. I then did two more but not as much, leaving them a bit chuncky, and put them in a smaller bowl. I then chopped the Green pepper and added it to the larger amount of tomatoes, then the onion, adding the Green Peppers and tomatoes back to the food processor, added the seasoning packet and the dash of Lemon Juice. Let it whirl a couple of pulses, the poured it into a large container and added in those couple of tomatoes I had held back. Let it sit in the fridge for a bit. I'll tell you, it was not as hot as I thought it would be, even though we got the mild one, I was afraid it would still have too much of a kick for Beth. It didn't "kick" until after the last bite, then you knew a bit was there. I want to have some over fried eggs, soon.
For Today... Feb 8, 2010
For Today... Feb 8, 2010
( 2pm) Outside my window... The snow is blowing around, The wind has picked up and is blowing the snow from one place to another as well as swirling it around and around along with what's falling from the sky. You can't see the tire tracks in the yard any more, they are filled in with the fresh snowfall.
(7:30) The snow finally stopped, after dark and now it's getting colder and colder. Beth is driving herself in to work and her van has no heat in it. We just hope that Clay County has taken care of the roads like they should. She drives main roads that many people use all the time but with the tempature dropping down to single digets, there may still be some icy spots on the roads.
I am thinking... (2 pm) I am wasting my time, wishing for Spring to hurry up and get here. I could be wishing away my whole life because once Spring got here, I would want summer, Then I would be wishing for Fall, and the cycle would continue..
It's days like this, sitting here at a window, reading stuff on the computer, and watching the show swirl and dance outside that makes Winter, winter. Sure it's cold and sure it's slick, but there is also beauty to it as well. Who needs a snow globe when you can just look outside your window every now and then. Watching the birds playing,, the dogs chasing each other in the snow (Beth's dogs, not mine.. they are staying warm inside) Sam will go running up the back driveway every now and then.. He'll hear a truck or tractor on the road, but by the time he gets there they are long past and he's missed his chance to race.
I am thankful for... Being able to let you in on some family news. Josh,( Jerry's sisters' son,) and his wife are expecting their first Baby.. Due end of July or first week of Auguest. I'm going to be a Great Aunt. !! !! !!
Mrs. Smith pulled Mrs. Jones out of earshot of the porch, where Mrs. Jones' lovely young daughter, Linda, sat. "It is really none of my business," whispered Mrs. Smith, "but have you noticed what your daughter is doing?"
"Why, no. Is she up to anything special?"
Mrs. Smith leaned closer. "Haven't you noticed? She has started knitting tiny garments!"
Mrs. Jones' troubled brow cleared. "Well, thank goodness," she said smiling, "at last she has taken an interest in something besides running around with boys."
From the kitchen... Surprise ! Beth cooked dinner tonight. She made Chicken Parmagan. She cooke chicken tenders (last of the bag) in a skillet until done with little seasoning. Heated up some Spegettie Sauce in another pan, and then boiled up egg noodles, Add to that a can of peas and it's a meal.. She talked Jerry into baking a cake. He's been doing most of the cooking, I've been doing cleaning and she's been working nights, sleeping days.
I am wearing... Brown sweats and a blue flowered top
I am reading... emails and blogs
I am hoping... We get a break in the weather so Jerry can go to the library and pick up some tax forms we need.
I am creating... While we were at storage last week, I pulled three tubs out to bring back to Beth's house with us. I am trying to learn my way around the 1790's. And these tubs have some of my "Stuff" in them. I went through one today (hang in here, it's a good story) I found my wooden knitting needles and some red yarn. (it's acrylic not wool) and then found a potholder I had started long ago, for Beth. It's a black to white varagated yarn. and I finished it up while wathcing my favorite Soap Show. She was ok with it.. I guess. But when she needed a pot holder this evening while she was cooking she came over and grabbed it, so now it's a keeper. I am thinking of using the rest of the yarn to make her another one. maybe a round one this time.
I am hearing... Jerry has last weeks "Pawn Stars" on so I came to the comptuer, When a new one comes on, I'll go watch it.
Around the house... I need to go do the dishes. I'm doing laundry for Beth today. Got almost all of it done. Beth put away her clean clothes today (she's on a roll here folks) I've done one load of whites, washed and dried two loads of darks, have one more in the dryer, another load in the washer as I write, with her sheets off her bed (she changed her bed even !!!) that I'll finish up before morning so she can have fresh sheets on her bed to sleep on. (10:30) sheets are in the dryer and the two blankets she needs done are in the washer. Depends on how tired I am when the sheets are done, if I put them in the dryer tonight or when I get up in the morning.
One of my favorite things... Sitting at a window, looking out, and seeing the red birds playing chase in the brush across the way a bit. They stand out agaist the white of the snow and the dark of the trees. Flitting from tree branch to weed top, to the top of a bush and back again.
A few plans for the rest of the week... I rarely make plans. Beth and I did talk about how much fun we had yesterday with Josh and Makeya over. We ate, played games and watched most of Super bowl with them. They left a bit early because everyone was getting sleepy. His hours have chancged to where he's working days again but that means getting up at 4 am, instead of getting home at 6. Once he's off to work, Makeya can either stay up or go back to bed. Beth and I both told her, we would end up going back to bed. (ha ha)
Pico De Gallo
For our Superbowl gathering. I made Fresh Salsa or Pico De Gallo. I cheated.. I found a package of salsa seasoning at Walmart. It called for 4 t o5 Ripe Roma Tomatoes. I got 6, it called for 1/2 a small onion, I think I used a bit more than that.. I found a green pepper in the fridge, and so added it in, as well. It wasn't called for, on the package but I saw it in several recipes I looked up, on the internet. I also added a good splash of Lemon juice also not called for on the package but found in several recipes as well..
I used my food processor to "chop" everything. first I did 4 tomatles,and put them in a large bowl. I then did two more but not as much, leaving them a bit chuncky, and put them in a smaller bowl. I then chopped the Green pepper and added it to the larger amount of tomatoes, then the onion, adding the Green Peppers and tomatoes back to the food processor, added the seasoning packet and the dash of Lemon Juice. Let it whirl a couple of pulses, the poured it into a large container and added in those couple of tomatoes I had held back. Let it sit in the fridge for a bit. I'll tell you, it was not as hot as I thought it would be, even though we got the mild one, I was afraid it would still have too much of a kick for Beth. It didn't "kick" until after the last bite, then you knew a bit was there. I want to have some over fried eggs, soon.
Auroras in the Night
How I would love to see The Auraras at night.. I wonder if I could be considered strang if I also wanted to dance under them.. Oh well, I am strange, always have been, always will be. That is what makes me, ME !!!
For Today... Feb 7, 2010. Superbowl Sunday

I shared a picture of me yesterday. I thought I would share a picture of Jerry today. Yes, he has a long beard. I trim it once a year, in spring when I also cut his hair. He's not shave since 1983, Just been trimed up a couple of times a year. I doubt any of our kids can remember him without the beard. I don't fuss over his face and he doesn't fuss over my hair.
For Today... Feb 7, 2010. Superbowl Sunday
Outside my window... (10 am ) It's snowing, a bit harder than the spitting snow we had out there at 8 am. From what I heard from Jerry we may get as much as 6 inches of snow before this storm is finished with us. The snow that we got on Friday was almost gone in some places but this snow has already coverd most of the grass, again. Beth's van is still stuck in the middle of the back driveway. (11pm ) more snow. don't know how much, but Jerry said it was a good thing he drove up the hill when he did or our van may well have been stuck at the bottom or in the ruts before much longer.
I am thankful for... Family, Friends and fun. Josh and Makeys (family and friend) were over today after church and telling her folks that she's expecting.. to play games and watch most of superbowl with us. We had pizza, breadsticks, honybbq chicken wings and salsa with chips. It was all good.
From the kitchen... Breakfast was potatoes, a sausage pattie and fried eggs. For dinner We had pizza, breadsticks, honybbq chicken wings and salsa with chips. It was all good.
I am wearing... Brown Sweatpants, blue flower-printed top, tan headband instead of a bandana in my hair.
I am hoping... (10 am ) That Jerry and Beth can get her van out, before the snow gets really bad, this aftenoon. ( 11 pm) Jerry got Beth's van out of where it was around noon, then drove it up to the top of the hill. Had little trouble with the deep ruts in the road that really need to be dozed down, if we had a way to do that. When Josh and Makeya went to leave, Jerry drove them up to their car so he could park our van over the top of the hill as well, and it's a good thing he did, as the snow is getting deeper and he said he almost didn't make it, himself.
Around the house... After playing two rounds of Phase 10 and watching some Superbowl, after Josh and Makeya left Beth and took a few mintues to clean up and put things back the way they were, then we watched Undercover Boss.. it was interesting. I can think of a few people who really should do what that man did. Especally in Construction and Store managment.
A few plans for the rest of the week... I plan on going through the three tubs I brought out of storage and figure out what I need to work on, historcal clothing wise to improve what I need. That is, besides stays. Those things are driving me crazy.
I missed some of the commercials, Just didn't see them and others I didn't think were as funny as the others in the room thought they were. I did get to see one Budwiser horse one. Where the colt and the steer race then three years later the grown up steer breaks a fence to be troting by the how grown horse.
S'More Cookie Bars
3/4 cup Maargine
3 cups Graham Cracker crumbs
1 pkg (6 oz) semi sweet Chocolate Chips (1 up)
1 cup Butterscotch chips
1 cup Mini Marshmallows
1 can (14 oz) Sweetned Condensed Milk
Preheat over to 350oF. in a 13 x 9 inch baking pan, combine Margerin with Graham Cracker crumbs, Press to form an even layer. Evenly sprinkle with chocolate chips then the butterscotch chips, then the marshmallows. Pour the condensed milk evenly over the chips and marshmallows. Bake for 25 minutes, or until bubbly. Cool ona wire rack. To serve, cut into squares. To make cutting easier, chill in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
From the back of an Imperial Spread box
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Beth put her van sideways going up the back driveway last night. Jerry took her to work and while he was picking her up this morning, I decided I'd take some time for a snowy morning walk and take a few pictures while I could
Guess what the tracks are....
Friday, February 5, 2010
For Today, Feb 05, 2010
The other morning I caught Macon sleeping on Jerry's bed.. yes he's even using the pillow. I know it's hard to tell, but Jerry had made the bed earlier, The dogs had fun playing and bouncing on the bed before they were worn out and needed a nap.
Rocky is taking a much deserved nap. He just looks soo sleepy laying with his head on the arm rest of the recliner. When someone sits in the recliner, he will look at that person in the eye, then look at the foot rest, then back up at them again as if saying "ok now.. put it up so I can get off the floor and sleep".
For Today... (7 pm ) Feb 5, 2010
Outside my window...(7 pm )It's dark, now. But we had snow all day long. I did go take some pictures while there was light enough to.
I am thinking... I wish Jerry would learn that I can't help the cost of food and I am really trying to buy things that he likes to eat, am doing without some of the things I should be eating, but the cost of grocries is still going to be high. He buys 4 2liter cola's for him, 2 for me, and that's going to drive up the food bill, Take into account he added my insulin to the food we bought at Walmart instead of counting it seperately and you drop what we spent on food, drinks and water down to around $20 instead of the almost $70 he paid.. add to that about another $70 at Aldi's, and the fact that I'm trying to get enough basics to go two weeks instead of one.. and he still makes me feel like I am failing and is resentful of what was spent. I was soo tempted to give him the cart. and tell him to put it all back and do it himself. He would live on hot dogs and hamburgers.. and the diet I'm suppose to be one says NO hot dogs and limit the amount of beef because of the Cholesterole. No salad was bought. No fresh vegetable for dinners was bought. Just some roma tomatoes and an onion for Salsa on Sunday. One small bunch of bananas that has 6 in it, for the three of us, for two weeks. He says he's not mad at me... but just mad about how the un-employment doesn't come in to be able to pay the bills like he wants to. But I still feel like he's resenting what I had to spend on food and on my insulin.
From the kitchen... Breakfast, pancakes with oleo and peanut butter on them. Lunch, french fries. Dinner a double patty hamburger,and more fries. Like this is all healthy for us.
I am wearing... (This is wear Red day, for the education of Heart desease) I wore maroon sweat pants. (closest I have to red) a purple tshirt under a maroon primative hunters shirt.
I am reading... emails, only emails.
I am hoping... That Jerry gets a job, soon.
I am creating... didn't work on anything today.
I am hearing... NCIS in the background and the fan of the heater by my feet.
Around the house... Went shopping, came home and carried it in. Jerry put it away. There isn't enough room for two to do that at once.
doing a load of laundry as well. Beth needed a hoodie washed as well as the inside liner of her coat and her red Cap she wears to work all the time. I did manage to take my camera outside and take a few pictures as well.
A few plans for the rest of the week...Try to clean up a little befor Josh and Mckeya come over for the Superbowl. That is, if we don't get a lot of snow on Sunday.
Pancakes or Waffles
Thursday, February 4, 2010
For Today... Feb 4th, 2010

For Today... Feb 4th, 2010, Thursday
Outside my window... (5 pm ) It's been a dreary day outside. All cloudy and gray, but little has fallen from the sky, yet. We are suppose to have snow on the ground by morning, though. and predicted to have around 4 inches by 6 pm tomorrow. But the tempature has still be good, for the time of year that it is.
I am thinking... (5 pm ) How to be able to go get back into our camper and be ready to go to the next job. We will need to know how much we are getting back from our taxes, first.
I am thankful for... Quiet days. Not that I don't like being busy and noisy at times. The peace of quiet is restful and a reminder that life isn't always like this.
From the kitchen... Breakfast was fried potatoes, sausage and fried eggs. I had parts of a sandwich for lunch and some corn chips for snack. dinner is going to be chicken tenders, french fries and green beans.
I am wearing... brown sweat pants and a blue top.
I am reading... emails, mostly and some blogs
I am hoping... that we don't get as much snow as they are predicting. I also hope we can get to the post office tomorrow and find our tax papers there so we can file and get that out of the way.
I am creating... I didn't work on my needlework today.. just didn't feel like it.
I am hearing... some music I have stored on my computer, I need to change the music on my mp3 player
Around the house... I did up all the dishes today.. three sinkfuls of water, everything but two skillets got done. The two skillets only had some oil in them so they are good. did a couple of small loads of laundry as well. I want back in "our" camper so I can take care of us, like I'm suppose to.
One of my favorite things... watching our dogs pick on Jerry. They want out much more often when he's around and not only to potty. They have him wrapped around their tails because he will take them walking, some times.
A few plans for the rest of the week... Shopping tomorrow, Superbowl Sunday. need to do some minor cleaning Saturday.
Here it is, early Feburary and I'm already thinking about March.
While our kids were small and growing up, I would decorate for just about everything. Jerry put up with my displays and I think he enjoyed them, then. One I miss is for the first of March I would make a lamb and lion and place them equally level on a wall. If March came in rough and wintery I would move the lion up higher. If it came in mild and warm, I moved up the lamb.. as a reminder that the saying is "In like a lion, out like a lamb". If we are back in our Camper by March, I may make a lamb and lion set and put them above the head of my bed where there is room for such a display.
I also like to put up a couple of Kites on the wall, as a reminder that March is suppose to be windy and is blowing away the last of winter while bringing in fresh, clean air.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
For Today, Feb 3, 2010
For Today... Feb 3, 2010, 9 am
Outside my window... The sun is shining and we have had a few high clouds. Warmish enough to not have to button up the ol coat. Forcast is calling for 1 to 3 inches of Snow Friday morning.
I am thinking... I sure hope we don't get that snow. Friday is our "go to town" day and I don't want to have to carry every things from near the end of the driveway to the house. Even with a sled it's a trek that I don't want to have to make.
From the kitchen... I made pancakes for Breakfast this morning. We each put a good size dollup of Peanuter butter on each one. The dogs, were begging for their share. I gave Rocky the almost empty peanut butter jar, with the lid on. Havn't found it since. I have no idea what dinner is going to be, yet.
I am Creating... I did work on the embrodery for a bit. I got most of the light blue outline done. I had to change my idea of using white though, It just wasn't bright enough to be seen against the muslin. I'll have to outline parts with a brown (dirt like) don't want to use blace because it has wheels and I want them to be different than the under parts nearby. I'll post pictures soon.
I am wearing... black sweat pants and a blue flowered top.
I am hearing... Beth has the tv today. She should be sleeping but is stressing about a guy at work and can't seem to fall asleep. If/when she finally does sleep, we will have to be sure to get her up around 9pm.
Around the house... before making pancakes, I did up most of the dishes. A few were left to do, but not many.
Beth wants fresh Salsa Sunday for Superbowl Sunday. I have never made salsa.. easier to buy it in the jar but she wants fresh made. I'm looking for recipes now.
here is one we may try out. Only we may not use near that much jalapeno in it, She doesn't want it the least bit hot.
Pico De Gallo
4 Ripe plum tomatoes, seeded, finely chopped (about 1 pound)
1 Small white onion, finely chopped
1/4 Cup fresh cilantro leaves, chopped
4 Fresh jalapeños, seeded, finely chopped
1 Tbl. fresh lime juice
Salt to taste
Mix tomatoes, onion, cilantro, jalapeños and lime juice. Add salt to taste. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour, and serve the same day made. Makes about 2 to 2-1/2 cups.
Poxatawny Phill saw his shadow yesterday. Oh Drats. I am ready for Spring !! I know, I know.. it will get here, when it gets here and my wanting it to get here will not make it get here any faster. But that doesn't make me want it to be Spring any less or any later.
Monday, February 1, 2010
For Today... Feb 1, 2010 (Monday)
For Today... Feb 1, 2010 (Monday)
Outside my window...(2:30) It's dark and grey and I'm seeing some snow flakes in the air. It's too warm for them to stick to anything so it's giving the look out my window a bit of a fuzzyness. Almost like a light fog.
I am thinking... I much prefer this weather to the norm for this time of the year. Usually we have inches of snow on the ground and tempts in the -0 range. I'm so glade we don't have that right now.
I am thankful for... Little things. A sandwich made by Jerry, A smile from Beth. Dog hugs from Macon or Rocky or Molly. The cat not biting me while she sleeps on my lap. Yes, she's spoiled and if you move your hand, she's apt to bite to remind you to not move, she's sleeping
From the kitchen... Breakfast was Eggs, fried potatoes and sausage (thank you Jerry) Lunch was a sandwich and some oyster crackers, pretzles and corn chips. Not sure what dinner will be, but I brought down a package of pork chops to thaw.
I am wearing...Brown Sweat pants and a flowered top. An Orange Bandana on my head, no it doesn't go with what I'm wearing at all.
I am reading...emails
I am hoping... that our tax papers come in the mail soon, and that I hear from my fathers' lawyer soon as well.
I am creating... working on a block for a quilt I want to make for Jerry.
I am hearing... The fan on the heater, and some noise from the tv in the other room. Beth is watching Extream makeover reruns.
Around the house... I'll have to catch up the dishes tonight. I vacumned the living room and hallway while Jerry and Beth were out. I try not to vacumn while she's trying to sleep and I hate doing it at night. I had to keep taking the hose off and pushing a rod through it to unlodge the dog hair that was clogging it up.
One of my favorite things...
A few plans for the rest of the week... No real plans, yet.
The hawk was back for a bit. Sitting in the tree until it spotted something in the weeds, then it was off like a shot flying low. it went beyond my sight so I don't know if it caught what it spotted or not. I hope so, if it was a mouse. We didn't catch any mice last night, but I'm not taking in the traps just yet, either.
It's funny, almost everyone we know, uses a cell phone now.. yet you can't use it as a utility bill, yet you can your car insurance papers. Jerry is gathering up what he needs to make arrangments on my emergancy room visit of a couple of weeks ago. Total.. over $3,500. For three hours in a room, seeing two ER doctors, one MRI, two shots in the hip of the same stuff, and one perscription.
Touchdown Pinwheels
2 Green Onions, chopped
8 oz package Cream Cheese, softened
1 oz package Rance Salad Dressing mix
5 12 inch Flour Tortillas
3/4 cup Pimento stuffed Olives, chopped
3/4 cup Black Olives, chopped
4 1/2 oz can chopped Green chilies, drained
4 oz jar chopped Pimentos
Garnish: fresh Parsley, chopped
Comgine green onions, creamcheese and ranch dressing mix. Spread evenly over one side of each of the tortillas. Stir remaining ingredients together and spoon over cream cheese mixture. Roll up each tortilla jelly-roll style: wrap each in plastic wrap and chill for at least 2 hours. Cut into ine inch slices and garnish with parsley.
From Goose Berry Parch Our Favorite Harvest Recipes
For Today... Feb 1, 2010 (Monday)
For Today... Feb 1, 2010 (Monday)
Outside my window...(2:30) It's dark and grey and I'm seeing some snow flakes in the air. It's too warm for them to stick to anything so it's giving the look out my window a bit of a fuzzyness. Almost like a light fog.
I am thinking... I much prefer this weather to the norm for this time of the year. Usually we have inches of snow on the ground and tempts in the -0 range. I'm so glade we don't have that right now.
I am thankful for... Little things. A sandwich made by Jerry, A smile from Beth. Dog hugs from Macon or Rocky or Molly. The cat not biting me while she sleeps on my lap. Yes, she's spoiled and if you move your hand, she's apt to bite to remind you to not move, she's sleeping
From the kitchen... Breakfast was Eggs, fried potatoes and sausage (thank you Jerry) Lunch was a sandwich and some oyster crackers, pretzles and corn chips. Not sure what dinner will be, but I brought down a package of pork chops to thaw.
I am wearing...Brown Sweat pants and a flowered top. An Orange Bandana on my head, no it doesn't go with what I'm wearing at all.
I am reading...emails
I am hoping... that our tax papers come in the mail soon, and that I hear from my fathers' lawyer soon as well.
I am creating... working on a block for a quilt I want to make for Jerry.
I am hearing... The fan on the heater, and some noise from the tv in the other room. Beth is watching Extream makeover reruns.
Around the house... I'll have to catch up the dishes tonight. I vacumned the living room and hallway while Jerry and Beth were out. I try not to vacumn while she's trying to sleep and I hate doing it at night. I had to keep taking the hose off and pushing a rod through it to unlodge the dog hair that was clogging it up.
One of my favorite things...
A few plans for the rest of the week... No real plans, yet.
The hawk was back for a bit. Sitting in the tree until it spotted something in the weeds, then it was off like a shot flying low. it went beyond my sight so I don't know if it caught what it spotted or not. I hope so, if it was a mouse. We didn't catch any mice last night, but I'm not taking in the traps just yet, either.
It's funny, almost everyone we know, uses a cell phone now.. yet you can't use it as a utility bill, yet you can your car insurance papers. Jerry is gathering up what he needs to make arrangments on my emergancy room visit of a couple of weeks ago. Total.. over $3,500. For three hours in a room, seeing two ER doctors, one MRI, two shots in the hip of the same stuff, and one perscription.
Touchdown Pinwheels
2 Green Onions, chopped
8 oz package Cream Cheese, softened
1 oz package Rance Salad Dressing mix
5 12 inch Flour Tortillas
3/4 cup Pimento stuffed Olives, chopped
3/4 cup Black Olives, chopped
4 1/2 oz can chopped Green chilies, drained
4 oz jar chopped Pimentos
Garnish: fresh Parsley, chopped
Comgine green onions, creamcheese and ranch dressing mix. Spread evenly over one side of each of the tortillas. Stir remaining ingredients together and spoon over cream cheese mixture. Roll up each tortilla jelly-roll style: wrap each in plastic wrap and chill for at least 2 hours. Cut into ine inch slices and garnish with parsley.
From Goose Berry Parch Our Favorite Harvest Recipes