I could use that jolt this morning. I am just dragging around. Not motavated to do any thing yet. First things first is a cup of coffee, so excuse me, while I start the maker going, please.
Ok, I'm back, in a few minutes I'll have a nice hot cup of coffee in front of me. Back in a few more, as I really, really should go make the bed while the coffee brews.
Back again. While I was setting up the coffee pot, I cleaned the waterdish for the pets. Yuck, one of them had dropped a piece of dogfood into it and it was gross. While I was back making the bed, I opened up the curtain. ONe of the first things I did this moring was take out the trash, even before I did my meds. Tuesdays and Fridays are trash day. Same day as the Mega Millions is drawn. We didn't win anything off the Mega Millions.
It's mostly cloudy this morning but our high today is to be around 72. Love it. I'll have to refill the bird feeder this morning. I've already seen birds sitting on the handrail looking in at me. I guess hoping I'll take the hint and refill it soon. It was still about 1/2 filled when I took out that trash.
Ooops, time to get up again. Now I need to go vacumn the bedroom floor and straighten out that 1/2 bath connected to it. For my spring cleaning part of that room is cleaning out from under the sink. I would love to decorate in there, with something. I just don't know what I want to put in there....The only ornamental thing in there is a vase with dark blue Oriental markings on it. I may take some skewers and glue some glass beads to the ends and set a smaller jar filled with liquid scent in there to help it smell better. Humm.. that goes on my want to make list now.
Back again. I had two packages of TP in there. I took one out and will put into the back bed room for some storage. I have three small, hotel type bars of hand soap under the sink as well as 5 washclothes. They are orange and deep red. They don't go well with the room, But that's why they are there, under the sink. Wait, I need another cup of coffee. back in a bit.
Just as I sat down to start writing, Beth called. Not much going on. She's getting over a cold. She's going to go see the doctor about her cramping. It's been getting worse and worse for her with this job. She does a lot of heavy lifting at times, but that's not the reason she's cramping, I think. So she's going to have it checked out soon.
I'm on my second cup of coffee, now. Umm that first one tasted sooo good. I'm eating the left over waffle from when I made them for Jerry's breakfast. He had two of them where he usually have 4. So he is cutting back on some stuff. We don't use syrup so that's a plus as well. Waffles are not an every day item either. He does like biscuits and I've cut back on how often I make those for him.
The trash just got picked up. Rocky wants part of my waffles. He got a couple of bites. I'
l'll not be doing much spring cleaning until April.. Not until Jerry does not need his heavy clothes for work. I'll then have to go pick up a couple more tubs for his winter stuff. He's really gone overboard on buying winter clothes this year. 4 waffle weave shirts, 7 long sleeved shirts and then 10 button up flannel shirts... He hardly ever wore button up shirts before this year. I have to admit, I love how he looks in them. But they are going to take up a tub just for his shirts. Plus I'll need one for his sweat shirts and coats as well. And we are still living out of tubs. He's hoping to get moved over to a Start Up crew. He said he can go back to Temporary Power when Start Up is done, but I think he's hoping "we" will get transferred to a different job, in Alabama. He's not been to happy on this job. I'm not sure just why. Part is Billy, is foreman. Part is just that BE&K is now part of KBR and a lot of the things he had awards for and earned are no longer in force or acknowledged. He has to test for using all the lifts again. He had done that with BE&K a few years ago, but now he has to test for each one. He's not afraid to take the test, it's that he has to find the person giving the test, and take time to do the test and it's just a pain the the rear to have to go over all this stuff again, when just a couple of years ago, he was allowed to even teach how to use a lift so someone else could take the test.
Well, now that Beth has called. I need to get up and do that bedroom floor, and clean the hallway. The rest of the day will just be house cleaning, again.
I got the floor done in the bedroom. I did open the Closet door, to see what I would have to do for spring cleaning in there, and .. nothing.. Put the extra blankets on the shelf would be it. I have our two large suitcases, with our summer clothes in them, in there. I know I have to clean out my drawers for Spring, but that's will be a couple of weeks away. I want to do that after Saint Patricks day. That's when I usually start Spring cleaning.
Next is the hallway. A good sweeping, take care of the cat box, dog kennel and mopping is where I'll be for the next 20 minutes or so. So..... back in a bit.
Back, again. Are you enjoying reading about my day? or have I bored you already?
I'm making a list of all the things I need to take care of for spring cleaning. I just added the shelfs in the hallway. By the time I get around to doing it, It will be time to put the Air Conditioner back in the livingroom window.
I just did the bathroom. swept the floor, wiped down the shower and sink. Straightened the shelfs. Added the shelfs to my spring cleaning list. They will need to be emptied and wiped for that part of spring cleaning.
Next is the kitchen.. the hardest room to keep clean. Dishes first and the countertop around the sink. I keep some fruit on the counter, and the printer is on the counter as well. Best place I've found for it, so far.. So... back in a bit, after I run the dish water.
Back again, now I have to wait for the water to cool enough I can put my hands in it. won't take too long. Wait, Rocky is barking, I've got to bring him back in, again.
Back again. Cleared the table while I was at it. I have to toss a couple of cola bottles out into the recycle bin. I have no idea why Jerry don't toss his own bottles. Or will keep a bottle at the table with just a couple of swallows of drink left in it. I know he's not going to finish it off, so I'll end up dumping it myself and tossing the bottle. either today or tomarrow, I'll have to sort the laundry to do on Sunday. I hate sorting it at the laundry mat. It just seems to take up so much time. I need one of the tubs on Satureday night, though, to carry to the auction. It's easier than filling in grocie bags I take there, just to bring them back home.. I'd rather fill my tub and not have to keep the bags around. Well, my water is cool enough for my hands, now so... back in a bit.
Back yet again... Dishes are done and put away. Counter's cleaned and wiped off. Ready for the next meal.. which will be supper. Fish, rice, Salad and a doughnut for dessert.
Just as I got my hands wet. my phone let me know I had a text message. I haven't "heard" from this friend in a while. Then Beth called. she's filling in a medical history form. I had to give her the answers to some of the history.. cancer. heart problems, high blood presure in the family.. ect.
Dishes are done. Counters cleaned and wiped up. Ready for making supper. All that is left is the floor.
I think lunch is going to be a sandiwich and a glass of V8. The sandwich will be grilled cheese from the toaster oven.
No mail today.. three days in a row, he's not put any thing in the box.
It is still cloudy outside.
I just walked on my treadmill until I ran out of breath. a few more time of that each day, and I hope soon I can go longer and longer each time. the moterized one is more of a flat walk and so I can go longer on it.. going up hill takes more out of me. Also a few times a day, I'll stand at either the counter or the back of the couch and do a few push up to help my arms get stronger as well. I'm up to at least 10 at a time about 3 to 4 times a day.
I'll be cleaning the living room while Y&R is on. I love that show and end up doing more watching than cleaning.
I cleaned out the area above the hot water tank (pantry) a couple of weeks ago and got it sorted into a couple of boxes to make it easier to find stuff. I need smaller boxes to make it even more effencent. I also need a better way to store my herbs and spices. On my spring cleaing list goes the area under the sink, and the kitchen cabnets and cupboards.
Well, Y&R is on, and like I said, I've done more watching that cleaning. I have to do the living room and porches and I'll be done.
Well, Now that Y&R is over, I will get back on track with my housework.
Walked on the treadmill, again, until I ran out of breath again.
I had a small bowl of tapioca pudding for a snack. I made it with artificial sweetner yesterday.
I've moved the couch to the wall, but now that I'm looking at it, I think I'll just change the whole room around, again. I'm considering moving Rocky's chair out of the room altogether. He's hardly ever in it.
Two hours later and I did change the settings in the living room. I put Rocky's chair outside. I may put it in one of the spare bedrooms, but for now, it's on the porch. It gives me so much more room and opens the room up so much. I put Jerry's computer over where Rocky's chair was usually at. I don't know if he'll like it like this or not. Once we no longer need the heat, I can move his chair closer to that wall, over the vent.
I did walk on the treadmill again. It wasn't for long but it's getting longer and longer each time I do it. I do have to remember to drink lots of liquids. I would say water, but I drink flavored water, diet cola's and coffee. All of which help keep me hydrated.
It's finally gotten warm outside. according to my laptop, it's now 67 outside. I have Rocky out front. He's barked a few times, but not that much.
Last night, I bought a African Violet. Grandma Brown loved them. I hope to not kill this one. There was also some cast iron plants and I may try picking up one of them over the weekend. It would look great in a pot outside on the porch once it warms up a bit more. I'll be waiting a couple more weeks before putting anything outside.
(Grrr) I just went into the back bedroom to water my plants. The door has broken hinges and it was open and the cat has been in, on my plants, (again) (Grrr) I can hope that some of the seedlings will continue to grow. Right now they are still two primary top leaves and so there is hope that they will still grow. I also have some moss rose in a couple of pots. He got into one of those as well. (Grrr) I'm not happy with "Jerry's" cat right now. (it's his cat, and my dog)
I have thought of making some bread, but think I'll put that off until tomarrow for our dinner. I have some potato flakes and can make a batch of potato bread in the bread maker.